biggest thread on this website

Feb 27, 2009
I should really try keeping Celestials some day! It will be put on my "to keep" list along with other stuff like crystal shrimp and royal plecos.
My original 5 are 17 adults now. They are between 2 and 3 yrs old. I'm going to keep the next batch and 'retire' the rest to a community tank. I'd hate to lose them to old age and not have any of their offspring to continue.

Maybe trade half the fry with someone else, to get 'new blood' too.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I took the heater out of that tank. I'm sure it'll never get to the temperature that it's supposed to get for danios, so there's really little to no use. I have it if something goes wrong in the winter, but it's not installed right now. That one's all the way down to 77.7F today. I could also pop it over to the 29 gal if that thing ever starts getting cold. And if I need a bigger one I can just swing by the LFS. They're about a mile or two down the road.

Yeah, I know. I'm playing fast and loose with my fishies lives. Sue me. I just don't see the point in buying something to heat the tank if I can't even get the ambient temperature down to their optimum levels.
lol! I was asking because if you did have one in there, I was going to suggest you take it out. :p*twirlysmi:cool:


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
If you want my VERY honest opinion, get rid of the pleco and clown loach before doing anything else, as they are straining your bio-load and will outgrow your tank. Up your school of tiger barbs to at least 7, preferably more. Then do some research into what fish you like and see if they'll go with your tiger barbs. You can see what I have with my tiger barbs in my 29gal.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I have a youtube account, but I don't put anything up there.

Danios - Why they're good. While danios are technically cold water fish they're highly versatile and can withstand most temperatures and water conditions. Like all fish it's better to keep them in their preferred environment, but they're pretty darn indestructible. They're also pretty easy to breed, extremely active and if you keep them in fairly decent conditions the most friendly fish in the tank. In fact, when I moved my molly from the 10 to the 29 the danios took the largest of the two fry I had into their shoal. Unlike my mollies, they don't eat my plants.

The only downside to danios I can see is they're almost impossible to catch.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
In a 40 you might be able to get away with a gold dojo loach.
Sorry to burst your bubble, aakaakaak, but unless freash_water_monster wants to go coldwater with his tank, which he can't do with tiger barbs in there, dojo loaches won't work. As was stated in that link I provided you on them, they prefer temps of 50-77F and WILL NOT survive (long) in higher temps. Tiger barbs like it between 79-82F (I have mine at 81F and their colors are superb).