10 gallon nano reef journal (pics)

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
thanks... yeah I dont think I want a purple firefish though so i might get it for a friend who, not to my surprise, just lost a mandarin. Petco usually sells the purple firefish closer to $50, haha what a rip off.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
so I first got two clowns... lets call them one and two. Number one died within 2 days cause he never looked good to begin with, I got him mostly for his compatible size. I got a half off on my next one named number three. Number three looked like he had soemthing wrong with him so I was treating with mela/prima and within a few days it looked better. Now number two is starting to look like number one. Lethargic, not eating, staying near the top and moth seems to be open a lot, possibly breathing a lot... I guess I just can't keep a freaking clownfish a live...I did a w/c monday so I expect everything to be okay but I'll do a test soon. I don't think I stressed him with the change cause he's not getting better but maybe.. It's weird that he got sick after I was treating for a almost a week. He does seem to have some spot next to his mouth. Maybe a xenia sting? I dont know...

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
nitrogen levels are all zero.
pH is about 8.2
alkalinity is normal
salinity is 1.022 (maybe shocked from the w/c cause it was higher prior to it)

That's all I have to test....O and number two has been dragging a string of number 2 all day. That is he has had a string of poo all day. Very clear with a few darker spots, which has just gotten longer with more darker spots. Hopefully he was just backed up.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
got some frags yesterday....pictures later hopefully after work.

But my clown never improved and I lost number 2...... Apparently I can't keep more than one clown a live at a time. This one last over a week so it's not like it was sick when I got it so I'm afraid I'm doing something wrong... any ideas? This one went just like the first, labored breathing, lost of appetite, hiding, lost of color, dead.

Should I wait on replacing it? I'm going out of town for almost a week in about a week. So I either replace it this weekend or the beginning of next week and pray for the best while I'm gone or wait almost two weeks to replace it. If I wait and then try my best to get a juvi or a male will this be okay?

If my third clown dies I'm just gonna try damsels.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Yeah I think I'm gonna do that... It's just a pain that they are living and I don't have a clue why. My remaining clown (#3) is now having a feast on the pods. Once the light went on she cleaned out her area.

Ideally I'd want a pair of clowns, a clown goby and a sixline. But if I can't keep clowns I'd go with a trio of chromis... maybe something else. I think they may be easier to keep. So I'm just gonna wait on adding fish and hope this last one makes it.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I'[m thinking my problem has been that my RO water's system hasn't been serviced in a while and the chlorine isn't being fully removed. So I'm treating the water and hoping for the best.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Yeah these are pics from a few days ago, so some have opened up a bit more. I'll try to get some better ones tomorrow.

Those green ones opened up really quick compared to others. The only other with all open are the multitype one in pic #3. The bag they came in did bust open and leak empty so that maybe why they aren't all opening so well.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I went away for almost a week and as expected my third and final clown died. My tank was covered in algae, most likely due to decaying fish, over feeding/feeding a dead fish and too much light.

I need something that will keep algae off my sand. Nassarius snails should work right?

Also I need an indestructible fish. Damsels seem good. What about blue/green chromis? Also I hear firefish are good. What about teh purple ones? Just as hardy?


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Well technially (sp) clowns are a damsel, firefish are pretty good but if you get 1 make sure you don't get anything to aggressive b/c they will not get along well! How's the corals doing? I would only run your lights for about 9hrs a day that will help cut back on algae, also you could add a small powerhead and keep it right above the sand so it will help with 'dead' spots on the sand.. HTH