Well I did it! (Question inside)


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Well I did it, I rescued a cup puppy! I was looking at the bettas at every store and just coulden't find even ONE DECENT looking betta, I was starting to think it was all a hoax and you all paid $50 online for your bettas, LOL.

Well today we went to get gecko and snake food at our favorite place (I didn't even want to go, it's a hour drive and I am tired and just feel... not sick, but crummy you know? Well the women do, I duno about the men LOL) I went to keep hubby company and figured I could see what they had in stock out of bordom. I was looking at the bettas and just none of them looked like something I would want to see every day, it was depressing. One was a dull redish brown with raggid fins, although there was a bubble nest in his little cup, he just looked sad. As I went to give up and turn away, I saw them, 2 GEORGIOUS battas!! I wanted them both, but I don't have the room now, so I begged my way into one of them. (Not much hubby could do once they said $3.50 for that georgious fish! LOL)

The one I didn't take was all white besides the bases of the fins which were crimson red, he almost looked like a crown tail on the bottom, but the normal tail. I picked up the solid white one with the most intense iridescence I have ever seen, he was the only one of the bettas that was full finned and happy to show it! He was swimming around in his little cup and there was even a little bit of a bubble nest starting! His fins have a blue/green tint and his tail even has one big blue circle on it. I have a feeling he is going to brighten up quite a bit in his new 5gal setup! :) He's simply georgious!

I'll post some pics when I can, but for now I have a question. I was going to put him in the bowl and put my female guppies in the main tank, but when I tested the water, there was no way I was putting him in there! (Which I don't get because I just did a 50% waterchange this morning with Amquel) So I am seeding from my main tank for this 6gal and I was going to use the pantyhose gravel bag method, but I quickly realized it is too late to call anyone and I don't have any! :eek: Would it be OK to use a normal sock? LOL

Last edited:
Sep 16, 2005
i don't think a sock will give you the proper flow-through for seeding a tank... i think he can do without it for now, though. just give him a good water change before you do put any media in to seed.

tomorrow, go try on a few pairs of shoes, buy a pair if you must :p and steal a heaping handful of peds... then you've got them on hand for whatever future situations arise (more seeding, makeshift media bags, etc.), and you can seed his little betta home properly.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Crappy Pics are here!

Please forgive my incredibly horrid photography skills.

These pictures do him NO justice! He is so much prettier in person and his irridescence hardly even shows up on camera.

These next 2 show the blue spot on his tail a little better.

This one is a good shot of his fins.



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I don't think that would be a good idea, not sure though. I just wouldn't trust what might be on a sock, and what might be in it like dyes or whatever. Can you grab a fake plant or decoration or something from the 6g to throw in there for a while? It'll have the same bacteria as the gravel, without worrying about the sock.

You might as well put him in the bowl with or without seeding for the night... did you check the water in the cup? Bet that isn't great quality... then again, it shouldn't hurt him to leave him in the cup for another day either. Personally, I've never cycled or seeded a betta tank, and have also not lost one from ammonia/nitrites...

Edit: he is nice looking, I had a female betta with the white iridescent coloring. It's awesome, and different from the normal reds and blues.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Thanks, I put in a sponge filter that is somewhat seeded and some plants from the other tank so hopefully that will help, the water is all from my main tank too, so we should be OK for a while. I'll keep my eye out on the quality for sure.

LOL I can just imagine the look on the other customer's faces when I run in a store, swipe a handful of those stupid little things, shove them in my pocket and run out of the store! LOL


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Caps, Thanks, there are 3 plants and a sponge filter in there, he's in the 6g, I dumped the water in the bowl, nitrites and ammonia were soaring, I am supprised the guppies were still alive in there. Well, maybe not that bad, but Nitrites were .3 and Ammonia was 1.5 , just didn't feel comfortable with that. My main tank has flawless water (of course, hardly any fish in it LOL).

May 12, 2005
He is beautiful and I bet he has perked up considerably since he got out of his cup. Thank you for rescuing a cup puppy. I can tell you already love him. I got a white one with similar colors because he seemed the most pitiful of all the ones in the cups at Walmart (My husband griped about me buying a half dead fish all the way home) and now he is gorgeous. Do you name your fish? If so, what is his name?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Thanks for the comments everyone, he is great, last night he just kinda slid around the bottom of the tank like he didn't know there was more place to swim LOL, today he's all over and showing those fins! He's so georgious! :)

cakelady, you're right, I am already SO attached to him, I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was walk across the house and check on him, LOL.

Nope, no name yet, anyone want to throw some suggestions at me? I have one in mind, but I'm not sure I like it all that well, so lets hear 'em! :)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Nice betta VirgoWolf! I keep wanting to call him "Splash," based off of the movie, Splash...remember, with Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah (sp?) (she was the mermaid...not sure what her name was in the movie though :confused: ).

Big Vine


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL Guppy, I thought of your little guy as soon as I picked him up! LOL I remember seeing how georgious yours was and thought to myself "I'd be blessed to be able to see that every day!".

Nina, yeah, there BPs, we have 9 here and 3 on the way, the kingsnake on the bottom of that page, and a columbian red tail boa. We're going to be breeding the BPs this fall. :) Thanks for the comments, I love my snakies! :) We're setting up a new and batter site, so I will get that link up when we're done. :)


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Greek, Funny you said Sparkle, the name I have been pondering over is Brilla (pronounced Bree-Ya) Which is spanish for Sparkle! :) I hear ya though, I spent the whole drive home talking about how such mocho creatures could be so delicate and georgious, just dosen't make sense! LOL

Big V. I think I faintly remember that movie. I am pretty sure my husband would know though, I usually only remember a movie when I am watching it, titles don't mean much LOL.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
MADISON was the merms name.
Oh cool can't wait to see teh ne BP's set up.
I like snakes would love to get a BP for my boys, (9yrs old and a 3yrold) but hubbins hates snakes and critters...I on the other had love critters had rats mice hampers parakeets( mice with wings) fish and chickens. I now just have 1 big fat dawg one old cat(20yrs) 7 goldfish and one betta. and a desk guest betta.

If I had my way i'd have a farm or a zoo. lol