8 Gallon Nano Journal


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
OK so yesterday Ram and Katie were telling me on msn how much my crushed coral substrate looks really "crap" (such nice people arent they? :p lol jk) Well i didnt like it much anyway because it was turning like a grey colour and looked nasty.
Anyway so today i went to the LFS and bought 2 bags of white sand (not live) and came back and changed over the substrate and now it looks FANSTASTIC and im so happy :D.....(thanks Ram and Katie haha)
Here are the pics:
All sand in place...(dont ask why i have a toothbrush next to my tank LOL):

Water has now cleared up..(flash pics):

a non flash pic which makes the tank look sooooo dark

And finally a pic of one of the Scarlet hermits, i think he looks rather happy lol:

So does everyone prefer it now?


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
LOL gawd katie your so impatient :p
Im gonna wait for the POTM to finish cuz otherwise i cant post my really nice coral thats in the POTM so your just gonna have to wait :p
how long does the POTM last for?....a month? :|


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
I'll think about it :p
anyway im really maadddd because 2 days ago i cut one of my new shrooms in half with a blade on the rock....today after i got home from school i turn light on, look in tank and one half of the shroom is like basically GONE! theres a lil bit left but not alot. Also on the same rock there was a lil shroom growing....and now its basically gone too. Looks like its been chewed by something!
OH and its true what they say about xenia doesnt ship well, i dont know whats up with mine but it looks weird.
Another thing..my clown is SO AGRESSIVE!! whenever i put my hand in the tank he goes craaazyy and bites me. Im not talking about little pecks im talking really hard bites. its not so much that it hurts (well it does a little) but it makes me jump.
So yeah right now i feel extremely mad/upset/fustrated :(
Im in such a bad mood i feel like i could cry

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Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I kind of like the more darker substrate better. It maybe the flash, but the white sand looks a bit unnatural. In either case, the tank looks great and I'm sure parameters are steady as a rock. I always look forward to the pics you take whether it be SW or FW.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
It was probably one of the hermits. They will snack on what they think is dying tissue......Either that or they released themselves which they will do if they are under any stress. They may turn up attached somewhere where you least expect them.


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
I feel like giving up saltwater. Seriously.
Yesterday, i fragged my green shroom. I just cut it in half on the rock, left one half on the rock and got the other half and put it on a little rock. I then put a bit of netting over it and the rock so it would attach then put it in a breeder trap thing.
Today, the green shroom has loads of brown crap around it and its floating around the breeding trap. I smelled it and it smells awful
Im not sure what to do. Do i leave it in there incase it "revives"? or do i throw it out?
I was in a really bad mood yesterday about all this stuff (sorry about yesterday katie lol)
Now im in an even worse mood! :(

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have never fragged any shrooms.....they just keep reproducing and floating around that they are almost a pest in my tanks now. Just let them do their own thing.......


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
OK...i really need some help.
My nano is not doing very well.
Since i have changed to RO....the algae has gotten even worse. Its all over the sand, rock, walls, equiptment...everywhere. On the walls its just green algae but on everything else its a dark green/black algae...really ugly.
All my corals have slowly died, so there goes alot of money down the drain. My hermits dont look too good, they arent moving much. The only thing that is doing well is my clown..hes looking great.

I only test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph, nothing else. Is there anything that could be too high/low thats causing all this? I imagine it cant be phosphate because i have RO. Im going to the lfs soon, so i can get some more test kits if need be.
I just really want my tank to do well. Im doing weekly waterchanges but that doesnt seem to make the slightest difference. Even the aiptasia have all died and dissapeared
I have zoas that i think are alive but NEVER open up.

Can anyone help me out here?

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