Mabye a stupid idea, but I'm going to try it.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
wow youre doing great. i never even got that far with fry in my two attempts at breeding my plakats. well done. but do not be too disappointed if the fry dont make it. you can always breed again.


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
Sorry it has taken so long to reply, Life has been busy.

My babies are doing great, I can see their tails fan out a little now. Some of them are getting aggressive when I feed them, and they are swimming all over now. :)
Sad news though.
My daddy died today, and I am not really sure why. I think it was fin rot that did him in, after I bred him he was looking kind of 'green around the gills' and not being as active as usual. I put him in his own five gallon tank with some snails, and he had a good amount to eat and I was medicating his water to help with his owwies, but it didn't work. :( R.I.P gomez.

My girlie is doing great though, and I have her next to her new beaux to let them flirt. It will be a while (like several months) until I let them breed, probably it will be over christmas break so I have the time to make sure there aren't any tragedies like there was this time.

And I did a head count of my babies, and I think the number is roughly around 43 that survived. I think... they kept moving...:) anyways, that is how my fishie life is going at the moment!


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
the parent dying after breeding is something I am too familiar fact once my breeding male died, I gave up betta breeding (even though I had another male available to breed). My Betta male didnt die of desiase, he died by jumping out of his tank.

why did you feel that you needed to medicate him? did he have a lot of ripped fins or other body wounds? if so then that was a good course of action, but what I do to a male that has been in the breeding tank taking care of his babies for a few days is I put him in a tank that has indian almond leaves in the water and a little dose of salt. about a teaspoon for every 5 gal. then I try to feed him as much as possible because he does not eat anything while taking care of fry, which takes around 4 days of not eating. these males, they are very weak when they return from their paternal duties...
anyway like i said youre doing tons better than me, so keep up the positive attitude and good luck!


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
He was really beat up when I pulled him out of there, and he had alot of bites and other things going on with him. I felt that I might as well medicate him.

But I am treating the proud mama to her own five gallon tank (finally) and I am using her tank as a tester for my first time trying sand as a substrate. It took me forever to clean the stupid stuff, and it felt like ages waiting for my tank to cycle to put her in there.
But all is good now. :)
I am attatching a photo of my babies, they are getting really big and I think they are going to be more blue than pink like their dad. But we will see!!
