Bee Shrimp!


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2007
Savoy, MA/Western PA
Well, my spring break was last week and I flew up to Mass to visit cchase85 and we went to some local pet stores to get fish for his new 10g. The last store that we went to had Tiger, RCS, CRS, and Bee shrimp. I was really excited because I have never seen those varieties (except for the RCS) in person before. I have been wanting to turn my 5g into a shrimp tank for a while now but I never see any in my LFS's and I am afraid to have anything shipped to school. But, being that I was 500 miles from home and had to fly back I didn't think I would be able to get any because of the liquids restrictions and I didn't want to ship them.

The next day I decided to call TSA to ask, just to see what they would say. The lady told me that I could bring them on the plane but that in order to get through security they would have to be in 3oz containers and the containers would have to fit in a 1qt bag (just like any other liquids). But I could transfer them into another container with more water after security.

So, we went back and got the shrimp. I packed them in those small salad dressing cups that you get at salad bars, 1 or 2 per container along with some duckweed and moss.

I felt pretty awkward walking through the security with tiny containers of shrimp but they didn't give me a problem at all. A guy searched the containers with a flashlight and told me that they were fine.

After I made it through security I found a bathroom to transfer the shrimp to the water bottle that I brought to transfer them into. I felt really awkward pouring liquid from tiny cups into a water bottle in an airport bathroom with a cleaning lady in there. lol:p It was harder than it would seem as well. One shrimp ended up on the counter but I managed to scoop him up and put him into the water and he was fine.

Once I got back to PA my mom brought me a little fish travel container when she picked me up at the airport and I transferred them to it on the way home. After all of that I was pretty happy that all the shrimp were alive and seemed to be doing well.

Then, on the way back to school yesterday I almost lost them all. My mom wanted me to drive to school because she had to drive back. Since I was driving I told her that she had to watch the shrimp (which were sitting at her feet). So, while I was driving she was leaned back in the passenger seat taking a nap. When we were almost at school I looked over and noticed that her feet were up and I asked her if the shrimp were okay. She looked down and realized that the tank was on its side and that the water was almost gone. There was less than an inch of water in the containter and some of the shrimp were stranded in the plants that were above the water. I was pretty scared, I didn't transport the shrimp 500 miles to have my mom kill them 10 miles from school in the car. Luckily I thought to ask her when I did, if I hadn't they would all be dead.

Now, they are safe (hopefully) in my 5g at school. They have the tank to themselves except for an oto and some snails. So, does anyone have any experience with Bee shrimp? I have 5 and 1 of them has eggs. They are really cute little guys and I will try to get some pictures of them soon.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2007
Savoy, MA/Western PA
I think they are pretty neat little shrimp.

It just seemed to me like I would have more control over things if I had them with me then if I would buy them online and have them shipped. I wish I could have gotten more but they were $4 a piece so I didn't want to spend too much.


Medium Fish
Sep 25, 2006
wow interesting story! love the little bee shrimp, im planning to buy some tomorrow bcuz bigals has them for sale in Ontario here. 2 for $1.99 assorted bee shrimp with some java moss. I actually planned on bringing baby turtle from hongkong to canada (avg 14 hour plane ride), but ended up with too much stuff in my backpack. so didnt have a chance to do that XP