Angelfish fry


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Thanks. Still can't sleep. I'm just a wuss, I guess. And they are still in the freezer.
Anyone want to stay up all night with me and trade recipes??? :)
Funny, Chase did PM me for my creamed spinach recipe - teehee. A bright spot in my otherwise aquacidal evening.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
well, i was going to say you choose worse time to do that, right before sleep as if that wont haunt you in sleep. Anyways.

I did see that spinach recipe thread. I also suggest you create in new thread on your recipe , "Spinach for you and your fishtank mates". :D BTW i am spinach friendly guy, i like them as toppings on anything and in salad.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Oh sweetie. Yeah, thanks.
And really, this is the stupidest place for recipes. Besides, if you actually like spinach, then just bloody well eat it raw ;) If you don't, then you need a way to make it not so spinach-y. Thus the butter, roasted garlic, the stock, the parmesan . . . . Enough. Let me not spoil the surprise for those who PM'd me for my creamed spinach recipe. 'Tis not to be broadcast indiscriminately.

Feb 27, 2009

I know it was a difficult thing to do, especially for someone who so obviously cares about fish, not just maintain them.

I, too, have spent sleepless nights after I'd done what needed to be done.




Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Thanks guys.
I think I might have missed one fry that also needs to be culled. Well, I lie. I was going to cull him last night, but he's not as bad as some of the others were, so I figured I'd give him a chance. But now, seeing him compared to remaining very healthy fry, I can see he's struggling. Sigh. Is it wine o'clock yet???


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
well, i was going to say you choose worse time to do that, right before sleep as if that wont haunt you in sleep. Anyways.

I did see that spinach recipe thread. I also suggest you create in new thread on your recipe , "Spinach for you and your fishtank mates". :D BTW i am spinach friendly guy, i like them as toppings on anything and in salad.
A whole new thread started, anshu, thanks! See under General. It has helped me from thinking more about my angel cull.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Funny. I had tried micropellets with my fry previously, and they all just spit them out, like, pfft, what is this junk?!!! Last week, a few would kinda choke them down, reluctantly, as an alternative to the powdered fry food they were not impressed by anymore - as in, pfft, that's baby food. Tonight, even after a big feed of chopped frozen bloodworms, they went crazy for the micropellets. Maybe their behaviour is changing now that their deformed denizens are gone? Maybe they all want to be grown ups now? I swear, they seem a wee bit bigger today . . . . I must be imagining it . . . . .


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
fry are so big , they cant starve with no food for 24 hours, after that try putting those thing, they will go crazy.

Mr. Biggie here has grown half the size of orangina...he is going bonkers regarding length wise. others are okayish, i starved them for 24 hours (as they were used to bbs) and moved main tank (46G) and then i put those pellets, seeing the parents go crazy on pellets , even this fry folks started munching on it. now used to it. and even blood worms (which they always loved).


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hah! It would take me several decades breeding angels to buy a 300ft basement suite in Vancouver!
But yes, okay, noob I am, these are now juvies.
And Anshu, I simply can't keep them all. I definitely want to keep four once they are larger, and ideally get them into my community tank, and sell my adult breeding pair who on their nine-day spawning regimen at their increasing size are getting to be a bit much. I'm hoping that I might be able to time everything so that I get one more spawn from my adults and get the eggs so as to try to raise another batch of angel fry in my 5g; simultaneously moving the juvies out of the 5g and parents out of the community to sell to my lfs that already told me they would buy them, and move the four juvies I'd like to keep into the community tank. I wonder if I'll need another tank in this process . . .
And the one juvie I definitely want to keep is my Le Double - the one with two dorsal fins. He's just as big as the biggest of his sibs, and so interesting . . . .


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
How cool! My parent angels and their juvies - see, shut up now Newman ;) - are so beautifully golden/white. I'd hate to lose them from my keep completely, and my 39g puts up with the constant breeding, but as the angels get bigger, they get a bit nastier. Paradoxically, the rest of the fish just get less and less disturbed, as they know each time the breeding happens, (in my best imitation of anshu imitating fish emo) "relax, grasshopper - this too shall pass."
If I were to keep the parent angels to grow much larger, I'd have to get rid of my pearl gouramis for sure and lots else in my tank. I'm overstocked badly anyway, so was thinking of starting again with four juvie white angels like I did when I first set up the tank, or maybe mixing in a couple of young black veils . . . .

Feb 4, 2010
Just a quick hello...sorry I have been away...Laura...daughter is good...thanks for asking!

I am busier than a one armed paper hanger lately...but the angels are still getting it on...they are on their 2nd spawn today since mid march. I had to take the other community fish out of the tank and move into their own the adult angels are by themselves with the bottom feeders...if they still stress the parents I'll move them too but for now they seem ok. We'll see if they are good at bringing these eggs to fruition!! More later, I've been working since 11am and I'm beat!! Kim

Feb 4, 2010
Well, the latest spawn did not survive as well, but I have a new acquisition of a 45g octigon tank which I am setting up for all the community fish and have the angel pair in the 10g by themselves in my room. Maybe this will help the parents do better at caregiving...I'll post pics when I get the tank cleaned and set up!!

Have a great day!
