Tank ready for Live Rock, but water is cloudy


Large Fish
Jan 20, 2009
Oceanside NY
Yea I had the same thing. I missed my ammo spike. Just be careful with the nitrite see if it happens to you because I missed the ammo but I had nitrite for 3 weeks solid. Now it's back. Just keep checking it and let me know. Good luck

Feb 8, 2009
0.25 ppm on Nitrites as stated before. Here is the specific clean up crew I procured, and you will notice that it's probably a pretty heavy load.

10 x Margarita Snails
2 x Turbo Snails
1 x Nerite Snail
3 x Nassarius Snails
1 x Conch
2 x Scarlet Reef Hermits

No loss yet (and I will knock on virtual wood once again), but the LFS told me to expect some fall out, even if everything was perfect.

Joey, something I thought about. I'm told snails are more sensative to change than hermits. The fact that you lost hermits may be because of the LFS not because of you. Not sure, but if you haven't lost snail, this is what I would suspect. Though the speciality stores do a very good job of keeping their animals in good condition, one small problem could happen (say the heater broke, or something dropped in that wasn't supposed to) and you know they would still try to sell those. Just a thought for you.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Just so you know for the future, don't buy livestock if you know you're going to be going away. It's much better to get them when you know you'll be there to monitor them.

If you're going away for two or three days, I wouldn't worry about having someone come to look after the fish. Unless the person knows exactly what they're doing, they tend to do more harm than good.

Mar 10, 2009
How surprising that you lost any of your cleanup crew. I know it isn't the wisest thing to do, but floating a 1/2g bag in a 12g nano didn't work very well, so I ended up taking my cleanup crew and my percula clown pretty much straight from the bag to the tank. All are doing well! Perhaps it helps that all of my salt water came from the same store as the cleanup crew. The clown came from a different store though.

(Yes, I knew I was taking a big chance doing this.)

Great job in drip acclimating everything, but don't forget about the temperature. Unless you can float the bag, it is hard to get them equalized.


Feb 8, 2009
I know what you are saying about the temp. Even though I floated the bag before starting my drip, by the time the acclimation was "complete" the temp. had dropped a few deg. I will quote Yandapanda by saying "I know it isn't the wisest thing to do, but" I just dropped the inverts in the tank anyways. I don't believe floating them again is a good idea, so with my fish (and everything else I now put in there) I am going to keep the acclimation container in a warm bath keeping a steady watch on the temp. Other than putting a heater (I do have an extra 50w - and may actually try this) in the acclimation container, I don't know what else to do.