Ryukin is mopey, constipated!


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
Help! I'm so worried! I'm panicking. Please please help!
As some of you may know, I have a medium ryukin (Beautiful Tank), medium black moor (Charlie), a small pleco (Mr. Pleco) and a very small telescope and very small oranda. They are in a 29 gal without a lid. I know it could get a little crowded, but it looks like there is plenty of room and I do water changes. The tank has proper filtration and a bubbler.

Beautiful tank has been moping around the tank lately for the last week or even two. He has long, stringy poo. Sometimes it is a clear color. I checked his gills a few days ago and I thought they were fine, but they may have been a little light colored. He sits on the bottom of the tank and gulps for air. His dorsal fin is flopped and his tail is down. He often falls and stumbles around when he is swimming... Also his tails seem to get caught on things in the tank so i just took out all of the plants. now that is tail is ragged from mr pleco, i dont want this to get worse

Today I just got home from school and he was lying upside down in the corner and Mr pleco was munching away at his tail! Now his tail has some little holes and thin spots from Mr pleco on his fins on the ends. Mr Pleco does this to my other fish too he follows them around and tries to suck on them. I'm so sad for my ryukin. I put the pleco in the 10 gal tank underneath which has 2 fruit tetras, a tiny ghost fish, and a black molly.

He is so sad and mopey. I feed them Hikari Gold and some TetraColor granules. Pleco gets algae discs now and then. I thought at first Beautiful Tank was just constipated, so I was giving him peas and some corn and carrots.

Well now Charlie the black moor hasbeen mopey and sits around sometimes.

It could be the water quality. The woman at Petsmart told me that there was an itty bitty trace of ammonia so I should just do a few water changes (I use a syphoner) every other day to clean up the water. Well I was doing this but my fish aren't getting better.

I'm going to try to go to the store soon before work and get the water tested. Could they have parasites? Bacteria? There are no other signs-- no spots or worms sticking out or anything.

Charlie did just get over fin rot and the treatment was for 7 days and now he is healing up. I used Pimafix. Now that hes being mopey too, I am wondering if I should treat them with RidIch because I keep thinking there are parasites. What worries me is that RidIch is strong stuff and I don't want it to bother Charlie's healing tail.

Does there happen to be any miracle water-perfecting solution i could use? Any good brands you'd recommend?

Ahhhh. I'll come back with the water test results later tonight but if anyone could give me some advice it would help i am afraid Beautiful Tank is going to die and I love my fish very much. I don't want to be a bad fish owner :'< Please help!

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Small Fish
Oct 27, 2009
I'm too new to this game to offer a solution - other than to read what the more experienced voices have to offer. I hope it all turns out ok. I know some of the test kits can be a bit pricey but you could get immediate results if you had one at home. Save you some stress maybe? Good luck .....


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
I know but I just get it tested at the store because it's free. Some test kits are like 35 bucks.

For others out there, I'm treating them with some Melafix right now to heal up Charlie's fin rot damage and Beautiful Tank's chewed up tail from Mr. Pleco. Maybe Tank could have bloat or swim bladder disease?

Why don't you learn to read and post in the right forum
it might help get more results. :/ if there is ammonia in your water, your tank wasnt established, or youre over your bio load. i suggest backing off of the fish and try not to mix types since its hard to keep warm water AND coldwater fish happy. plus, goldies and plecos poop. a lot. that could be contributing to bad water quality. and the long white stringy poo? sounds like parasites.


Small Fish
Aug 17, 2008
I realize the post was made in the wrong forum, but telling someone to "learn to read" is not constructive. Perhaps you or the moderator could have nicely stated the post was made in the wrong place, or better yet, the moderator could move that post to where it should have been. There is no need to treat people, esp those who are panicked and in desperate need of advice, with such disregard. That is one sure fire way of keeping people from coming back to this site as well. You should know this after being a member for two years.


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
I'm sorry. I thought I had put this in the correct forum.
I thought it was under freshwater problems.
I mean thanks for telling me but thanks for nothing too... This site has been mostly helpful for me but I don't want to stay if I'm just going to have my topics littered with arguments and crap.