Oto Haven

Feb 27, 2009
20gallon high tank, currently home to 11 Otocinclus vittatus (4F, 6M, 1 not-sure-yet). 1 inch of topsoil capped with 1 inch of pea gravel. Filter is a 'sweep' powerhead with sponge prefilter. 55watts, 6700K, 11 hours per day. 2 hours of indirect sunlight. Plants are Hygrophila corymbosa 'angustifolia,' Anubias barteri 'nana,' and Anubias hastifolia.

Visiting for a few weeks are an adult and juvie male Badis badis.

Oto Haven, day 1: Emerged growth (GRRRRRRR) not emerced as was promised by the supplier.

Oto Haven, day 23: Emerced growth coming in well now. Almost time to thin them out!

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Feb 27, 2009
They love playing in the outflow of the powerhead. When they spawned for me, they used this particular plant a lot and about 75% of the eggs were laid in the outflow of the powerhead. That's why I put a 'sweep' powerhead in there instead of a stationary one. More of the leaves in the 'flow' so hopefully it will encourage them to lay. From what I've read about them, they seem to spawn in the wild in faster streams that have lots of flow.

Next time I add an 'algae log' or 'algae rock' I'll try to video them on it. They all clump together fighting for the best spot to eat. I keep several pieces of driftwood and rocks in the window sill to get more algae for them.

Feb 27, 2009
OC, I'm confused by what 'emerced' growth vs. emerged means. Or maybe is it 'immersed'??? As in totally underwater? But whatever you meant, the difference in your plants in three weeks is a-mazing.
You rock!
Sorry for confusion. I was sent emersed growth (growing out of the water) when I was promised it was submerged growth (growing under the water).

This link has some interesting info about emersed vs submerged growth.

Aquatic Eden: Emersed vs. Submersed Growth - Freshwater Planted Aquarium Blog


Feb 27, 2009
I grow 'algae logs' in a seperate tank. Sadly, I can't get much sunlight in my house without inviting 'snooping eyes' in the neighborhood I live in.

Attempts at keeping a waterchange bucket outside in the sun, half full of water and rocks/driftwood in my own fenced-in back yard resulted in the bucket and all contents being found on the roof the next morning.