Oto fry!

You have more oto fry? How? I thought the male oto died... or have they just been hiding in the 55 all along?
It doesn't look like the female needs the male to LAY the eggs, just to fertilyze them before hand. Her belly is still a little yellow and I found some more eggs as well so I believe she will just continue laying them until she has none left.

As you guys can see by my signature, I haven't exactly followed through with my plan as stated above. :eek:

I couldn't bring myself to do it, and strangly enough, I've only had 1 death in three days! That's amazing. So maybe they are now over their "dieing off in masses" stage and are actually going to focus on growing now. I really do hope so. So, I will keep them, but I won't invest too much time in them, I hope. :)

Sep 15, 2008
Chicago, IL
Lol what are you going to do with so many Oto's if they make it? Send 3 to me? :-D

Good luck with the breeding. I think once my current stock dies away I might try breeding. We'll see though. It'd be nice though with a 10g and a 20g. The only question is what to breed.

Mommy's in with Weebo, but there's still a couple healthy-looking fry in the 55g. Once the tank lights turn off, I try to keep the surrounding lights off as well so the other fish (especially the danios) don't make a meal of them. I usually spot 2-5 of them or none, but the other night there were 11!!!!!! Yes, 11. Which makes me think there's at least 20 left. I really do hope they survive and become a little larger as they still look like danio chow. :)