Normal Molting?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Alright of my 9 ghost shrimp 5 have survived a few weeks and are strong, happy and healthy (I think). I've noticed them all molting around the same time. Over the last week I think all of them have molted. One might have done it twice (they seem to do it at night so I can never tell).

How often is normal for them to molt though? Is it a sign of good or bad health for them to do so often?


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
I believe it is a normal thing for them to do once they get acclimated to a new tank. My amanos always did. After this they will likely slow down to about once a month, each on their own schedule.

Sep 16, 2006
molting crayfish

is it normal for crayfish to molt. i have two. i hadn't seen one of them for days and noticed the other one had just one claw. then i noticed what seemed like a carcass in the corner. i fished it out and had a good cry. then sunday, easter sunday, low and behold there is the other crayfish. either they do molt, or it was indeed an easter miracle.

do their claws grow back. was it lost in the molt or maybe he owed a bookie!!!!!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Yes, perfectly normal for crayfish to moult.
The younger they are, the more frequently they will do so.

I've had crays lose a claw while moulting...twice.
First time it happened when one was housed in tight quarters (temporarily) with another cray. I am almost certain the other cray harassed him during the moult; thus causing the lost claw. Second time it happened was when one's old moulted shell was found wedged in between some rocks. The tight spot he was stuck in appears to have been responsible for the lost claw.

Water quality can lead to moulting complications as well, but typically lost claws (during a moult) are caused by one of the other things I mentioned above.

Depending on your species of cray and tank size, you might wanna consider rehoming them separately before aggression leads to the death of one of the crays.