New Fish Freak

Mar 4, 2011
Hi everyone! *PEACE!*

Thought I'd introduce myself before I start asking questions and offering advice.

I'm sort-of, kind-of a beginner but I have done MASSIVE amounts of research over the past 2 years. About 6 months ago I took the plunge and purchased a 55 gallon tank. I planned everything out in advance, took my sweet time setting everything up and stocked slowly. I'm glad I did because it helped my avoid a lot of the common mistakes beginners make. I did lose a few fish at the beginning but everything has been good since.

My occupants so far are:
3 Danio Choprae (Glowlight Danio)
3 Caridina Multidentata (Amano Shrimp)
1 Palaemonetes Paludosus (Glass Shrimp)
3 Otocinclus Vestitus (Dwarf Suckermouth Catfish)
1 Betta Splendens (Male)

Surprisingly, everyone gets along great. I originally had 10 Danio Choprae but I lost 7 of them randomly to unknown causes. I'm guessing I got a bad batch because they are the only losses I have experienced.

As for the lone ghost shrimp. He was a hitchhiker when I bought the Amanos and he has gotten HUGE! I'll post of some pics of my setup when I get the chance.

Mar 4, 2011
Welcome to myfishtank! Looking forward to seeing pics.
Hey - that's all you have in your 55g so far? You got some room to play, my friend. :)
Thank you! :) I'll have some pics up soon. Probably not of the GlowLight Danios though...They are too darn fast. lol :mad:

Yeah I am stocking very slooowly..haha...Although Friday I did purchased 4 Cherry Barbs (So COOL!) and 3 more Otto's.