Midnight Meet MFT. MFT Meet Midnight. (Pics)


Superstar Fish

I've got this betta named Midnight. I've had him for half a year or so. I've tried once or twice before to give him a 5g tank, which was the plan from the get-go, after he was ready to leave his 2.5g tank. I like to use the 2.5g's to acclimate them at first because they're the perfect size and, I think, they provide a less scary transition into a filtered, big tank. At any rate, each time I put him in the new tank, he'd get very upset and would hide a lot, lose much of his appetite and would develop fin rot. I know it was not the water condition. So, after those few times, I would put him back into his 2.5g and let him heal back up, which he would. A week or two ago, I decided to give it one last try (he had been looking and acting very robust and healthy). Well, he must not like bigger tanks (even with a multiltude of different filter flows) - because he developed fin rot yet again. I've since given up on the idea and have decided that he likes his 2.5g tank just fine and that I don't want to jeopardize his health simply because I think he wants a bigger tank.

So, I guess this all goes to show that not all creatures are created equal! You've got to figure out what works for each individual. Some bettas I have would go stir crazy in a 2.5g. This one, apparently, prefers it.

He's been making his first bubble nest (that I've found) since moving him back into his little tank (which I've put next to the desk so I can see him all the time, which is nice).

Just thought I'd share a few pictures I just took, while I'm at it. Look at his fins:( They're all jagged, but they are healing fast. When he is healthy, his fins are SO long. Longer than most I see on "regular" bettas. I kind of wonder if he didn't get mis-shipped or was an ex-breeder stock, based on his color, form and finnage.

So here he is:

To show that it's not just the flash that is making him such a beautiful color:) (No flash)

His recent pride and joy, It is getting bigger by the minute!:

Can you tell why he's named Midnight? LOL


Large Fish
Apr 28, 2004
Atlanta, GA
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Ha, sometimes animals don't behave like we expect. It's always good to be reminded of that :)

My Toshiro is kind of the same way. He seemed to greatly enjoy a week in a 2 gallon bucket when I was treating him for finrot (if his enormous bubble nest was any indication). It's been about a week in his new five gallon and he seems to have finally settled in with a small bubble nest along the middle brace of the top frame (though he seemed to enjoy the wide variety of plants from the start).

Oddly enough though, he's had no trouble swimming around in the tank, even though I don't block the filter output - another case of bettas all being different.

Look up YMMV in Webster's and I'm sure you'll see a picture of a betta...

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