Light-friendly screen?


Small Fish
Oct 21, 2008
So my 10g nano is assembled, nearly done cycling and I have a Coralife Quad hood to light it with. I've been planning on building a custom sreen-type hood to let the tank breath but keep the fish in. (A few I am planning on stocking are jumpers)

Here's where my issue arises. The clear egg crate comes with a grid of no smaller than 1/4th inch, and my fish will, without a doubt, come smaller than that. I was then planning on buying some clear egg crate, cutting it down to size, then putting a clear mesh over it, but I cannot find a clear mesh. Sets me back a bit.

I'd like to avoid plexiglass because I know it likes to warp, doesn't breath without hole drilling and is less than ideal for the light, so I'm crying out to you all. Anyone know a good solution other than doubling-up and off-setting the egg crate?

Thanks muchly. :)