Irridescent shark, NOT for the home aquarium either....


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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not to start off on one of my irate wal mart tangents- but I totally agree- I don't even understand why they would want to sell fish. It can't make up that much of their business and it's not like they are doing it well.

Apr 18, 2004
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i have been fishing catfish since i was a young kid .im not saying im an expert but the pick is not a channel cat catfish but is a real close look-a-like for the blue cats we catch around here . id say by the pic the fish he is holding is every bit of 10 to 12 fish and channels , blues and the almighty flat head reach that size quite quick. but id say it is an ID shark i had a few 3 years a go and they got to 5" and that was too large for a 30 gallon so i gave them to my cousin for his 125 gal and they are filling it out slowly. Just My Oppinion.

May 13, 2004
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ohh ****, my sister and i just recently (about a month ago) added an ID shark to our 20 gallon tank. At the moment it's only about 3-4 inches but will it really grow to be like 3 feet?? the guy at the pet store told us it would be fine in a 20 g tank??

Mar 17, 2004
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Welcome to the tank jcsock13;)

ya, we get that alot here on this board saying "the guy at the pet store said they should be fine" But taking their advice often results in death to the fish!. ID Sharks do get extremley huge!, and a 20 gallon tank would certainly not suffice at all when it's full grown!!!!!

Apr 18, 2004
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in reply to Jaws 101 i dont have a digi cam but i can garrentee they are evry bit of 9 inches now and they are all about the same size. they are at least 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick. they eat like horses but they have slowed down a lot. instead of swimming all over the tank they seem to stay in thier own little area untill feeding time. they dont seem to swim together like they used to do. sorry i dont have a pic of them.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i was just at the local public aquarium(the sharkreef) and in the golden croc exibit there was 3 id sharks every bit of a foot and thick too,with 3 of these in a 55 there would have been no room to manuver.and who said that the tag on the tank said they'ed only get to 12 inches?hahahahh.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2004
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Amazing, these fish are fairly cheap where I live. I've seen lots of these being sold in stores it makes me wonder what happen to all of them. People really need to do some research.

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Oct 8, 2004
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well i am glad to hear this i ran across a web site that has a petition going to stop walmart from selling fish i actually have posted a thread about this topic. if anyone is interested in signing the petition please email me. and to ID sharks i have two of them they reside in a 44 gallon and seem to be quite happy they reside with 3 angels and they all get along fine. but then i love my fish.

Sep 29, 2004
Mifflinburg, PA
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There is one good point I can make about Walmart and their fish...well fish products. They are the same as those in your lfs, but usually cheaper. I just hate walking through and seeing all the dead/sick fish. I mean you could actually see a fungus or something of that nature growing on their blue goramis! Just what I want to bring home to my tank, a sick fish.

Originally posted by S.Reef
Thats not an Irridescent Shark. That is a Channel Catfish.
Sam Reef: Sorry, my friend, but that is indeed a variation of "Irridescent [ID] Shark," with the larger ones (usually also less colourful) sold as "Mekong Sharks." I live in Manitoba, and believe me, do a search on "Red River" and "Channel Catfish" and you'll see that we Manitobans know our "kitties" VERY well. :)


Large Fish
Jan 12, 2005
one thing you fail to mention, is that it takes YEARS for an ID shark to get to that size...

they will always be in the hobby...

i have 6 of them and they are great..

just because some idiots keep them in 10g tanks shouldnt make them ''non fish tank'' fish

edit: just curious why its the store thats irresponsible in selling you an ID shark.. shouldnt YOU research a fish before you buy it.. if anyone is irresponsible its you