i have a odd quest about the gold..

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my local fish store moved.. where i get my fish is far from where i live.. i think its in hayward CA



lol good point..haha so what your saying is you want me to advertise at school or at my neighborhood and say FREE GOLDFISHES! :p... or i could of waited till tomorrow because im going to petco to get new fishes..(ill take care of them.. i promise..) oh wait.. do i need to cycle my tank? i read in some threads that i have to. to prevent diseases and stuff. all i know is get a nitrate and nitrite test kit... and an eye dropper or something...

"I keep hearing people say they did a fishless cycle and all they did was let the tank run a few days/weeks before adding fish. This is NOT fishless cycling. This is just a step before doing a FC that helps to get out some of the extra carbon dioxide and nitrogen and allow some of the free oxogen to be absorbed. While you are doing this go to your LFS or pet store and buy the following test kits: AMMONIA, NitrIte, NitrAte. We won't even worry about PH, TDS etc for now because most people can get along without them.
On your way home stop at the grocery store and on the cleaning aisle pick up some clear ammonia. Make sure it is pure ammonia without any additives. One way to check is to shake it up. Ammonia with additives will foam up. While you are there pick up an eyedropper (should be on the medicine aisle or if there is a pharmacy you may be able to get one of those plastic kinds from the pharmacist for free or a small fee). Go home and unload all your kits, ammonia, and eyedropper and follow these directions.

Step one::: Add 4-5 drops of ammonia per 10 gallons to your tank until NitrItes start registering on the test kit.

Step Two:::Once the NitrItes begin to register, lower the amount of ammonia added daily to 2-3 drops per 10 gallons.

Step Three:::Continue adding 2-3 drops daily until Ammonia and NitrItes are 0 again and NitrAtes have begun to register.

Congratulations! Your tank is now cycled. Do a 25% water change and add 2-3 small fish. You can add more 2-3 more fish in about 2 weeks for best results.

Tanks can be cycled in as little as 7-10 days depending on temperature. Higher temps (not above 80 though) will help your tank cycle faster. "Seeding" your new tank by using filter media, gravel, or decorations from an already established healthy tank can also help speed up the process.

::CAUTION:: Do not use AMQUEL or PRIME or anything that says on the package that it lowers/binds ammonia, ONLY USE A SIMPLE DECLORINATOR!"

i still dont get why a grocery store sells clear ammonia.. its kinda odd for me.. since its not a fish store. they might sell fish.. but not the kind you nurture...



yeah.. haha i kno it was dumb. i just wanted to make myself laugh..:p well heres my tank..=]



once in a while, he goes infront of the tank, only when im noy looking.. when i do.. he goes to the same place he has been for the last couple days


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2006
Sothern California
oh take him to the petsmart. hes the luckie one. he gets to live. but the look alike looks like an otto. and i like the catfish i dont know how big thoes get. do you have a 50 watt(or higher) heater on there? and i suggest sence you have fish in there just do water changes every 2-3 days for the first month then start once a week scedual.



i think im gonna keep the lil bugger... since i cant catch it. might as well keep it.. or if some1 else wants it.. then.. what ever happens.. happens... oh to usacutie81.. i was pissed that my fish died...soo revenge??? it is mean..and i do regret that i have done it.. i coulda sold them to my cousin(s) 10 cents each..

i do have a 50 watt but i dont use it.. its small.. its a 15 gal.. i might return it or try to make it fit .. i should make it slant or something to meet the required water level..

i think i had a snail... i dont know where the hell it is now.. i think one of my goldies ate it >:[ if not.. then yay it lived.. but i just dont see it.

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lol.. i dont know if there is radio activity in the sewers but.. u reminded me of this one episode on family guy..ahha



okay.. thats north then lol

i will edit my profile and stuff...

i will talk here tho

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