How many Discus?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
1 Adult per 10gals. You can do more with heavy upkeep. Like i could easily maintain 6-8 discus in a 55gal with multipule WCs a week. 4-6 would be a good number for weekly WCs. So yes, 10gal per adult is a correct rule.

Screw bottem crews...they are useless IMO. Not to mention some plecos, algae eaters have been known to attach to the discus and suck the slime coat off of them.

With multipule pairs of apistos and rams...i'd probably only shoot for 4.


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
I would go for 6 and be aware you will need to keep up with regular big w/c's. A pair is a good option, 4 juvies is not so good - it is 2 to few to stop damaging hierarchical squabbles from being fatal to the victims. The water does not need to be super aged as long as it is dechlored and approx the same pH/temp.
Rams are good tankmates. The pleco sucking deal is very, very rare, effectively an old wives tail. Most cories do not do well in discus tanks as they are too warm, and it is to some extent true of A. cacatuoides as well.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
TheFool said:
The pleco sucking deal is very, very rare, effectively an old wives tail. Most cories do not do well in discus tanks as they are too warm, and it is to some extent true of A. cacatuoides as well.
Yes but the fact still remains that plecos poop more then do any good. More poop = dirty water/more water changes.

You are correct, most cories no...but there are a few that can live in the low 80 degree temps.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Hold your tongue there Matt. :p

In a 55 I would keep 5 adult discus with doing 50% water changes every week and a BN. Some kind of dither fish will also help the discus to feel more comfortable.

One thing to think about with cories is some people have problems with them spooking the discus when they do their mad dash to the surface.