Hey All! New Here!

ello fellow fish lovers! Im new to the site (love the look of it!) and thought I would introduce myself! I'm 24 from NY USA, I have been keeping fish for the 6 years. I used to breed bettas, and would love to get back into in sometime in the future, and begin showing them as well, but for now I just have them as pets. I currently have 4 tanks setup, a 20 gallon long divided into 5 sections, a 10 gallon divided, a 30 gallon bowfront and a 20 gallon tall.

Fish I own include:
-7 male bettas
-11 female bettas
-2 cory cats (I know they should be in larger groups but they were rescues and i haven't gotten around to buying more yet)
-3 black mystery snails
-about a dozen red cherry shrimp
-a dozen "teen" to adult tiger endlers and 4 one day old tiger endler fry
-4 (1m 3f) Dalmation Lyretail Mollies

I look forward to meeting everyone on here and chatting about fish with you!