Fuzzy stuff on my fig8's eye!

I just got back from thanksgiving, and all my fish have survived without me. Unfortunately, my figure 8 puffer has some white fuzzy crap on his eye! Anyone have an idea what this is? Could it be a fungus? I just added some melafix, and I'm gonna go buy some anti fungis stuff I guess. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

He's apparently better now! His eye has been clearing up, and its pretty much gone now. He's swimming around the front glass more than before (it seemed he was a little scared since he couldn't see out the one side) I used some jungle fungus clear fizzy stuff. I'm supposed to leave the medicine in for another day or so, and if it looks fine, I'll do another water change and not add any more. The other fish in there are rosy minnows and 3 feeder guppies (they snuck in with some ghost shrimp) in a 10g, so I'm not too worried about them.

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