Farewell to my caryfish celeste.

Oct 22, 2006
Hi everyone I've posted here a few times about my red-claw crayfish celeste.
Well I'm very sad to say that last night she died.
I had her since she was about 2 inches long and at death I put her size somewhere around 10 inches.

She was great to watch grow and trundle around the 4 ft tank I bought and furnished especially for her once she outgrew to smaller tanks. But unfortunately it seems that either she was just too old (at 4 years) or that the summer finally got to her and she was unresponsive this morning and hadn't moved when I got home tonight.

It's strange to me that I'm so upset at her passing but I suppose beloved pets don't always have to be the cuddley kind!

Anyway I just wanted to post to remember her because she was great and had such a personality!

so yeah.....farewell celeste. you were a great pet and addition to my household.
