Crays and snails

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
Do they mix? I was thinking of putting sand at the bottom of my new 90g tank and wanted some maylaysian trumpet snails to stir up the sand, but also was interested in a couple blue crays. Would it be a problem to have these together, will the crays eat the snails? I know those snails are good with sand as they dig in it and release those gases stored under it. Thoughs, opinions, experiences are all welcome.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Crays love to dine on snails.
I've had 3-4 inch crays manhandle some pretty decent-sized mystery snails and force open their trapdoors to have some escargot for dinner! Any of the ones which had trouble opening the trapdoor would simply gnaw around the opening and eat their way through to the snail.

I've heard that Malaysian trumpet snails have pretty tough shells though, so they may be a safer bet. Keep in mind too that crayfish will also stir up the sand for you, just as long as it isn't too deep.