crayfish escapist


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
Hi guys!
I wanted to ask those who had a crayfish.
I bought one a couple of weeks ago. And it lives in 10g open tank together with 3 smartest rosy reds.
Tonight i heard my cat, Pushkin, howling and scraping frantically but he does it soemtimes so i continued sleeping. In the morning i found the crayfish laying beside my bed with cat looking down at him wistfully. I plopped the guy into the tank (which is located in a nextdoor bedroom ) promptly and he immediately displayed his pincers to me and retreated angrily into his favorite hiding hole under the java fern.
My question is - is it common for the crayfish to venture outside the tank? Or rather, what do you think happened? How he went out? The water level is about 1" below the tank's edge.

