Cray in berry too long?


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
I've searched endlessly online and can't find any info...hoping someone can help...

Had my blue cray for a while now...6-7 months or so...she's molted a few times and during my last water change, I found her to be in berry. Made her mad too...I didn't realize she was hiding in that corner and when I moved the rock to vacuum under it, she came out with claws ready to get me!! She's had no male contact, hasn't been around one since I got her so I know the eggs aren't fertile. A few days later, the eggs started turning white and she started to eat them.

Now it's been about a week, and she's still hiding and still has some eggs left on her tail. She's fanning them around and seems like she's taking care of them. She is eating...I see her reach for a few morsels when I fed the tank. If I come atround the side of the tank where I can see her, she gets mad. But she hasn't come out at all. I'm wondering how long she will keep the rest of the eggs until she knows they aren't going to hatch? There aren't many left. I know they can store sperm for a while, but it's been too long, hasn't it? And if the eggs were fertile, the wouldn't have turned white, right? But they're not ALL white...hmmmmmm...

All water parameters are good...just did a water change and tested a week ago.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Hey AlyKat,

In my experience, these guys typically have black eggs (if they're fertile).
Eggs will typically turn a lightish/orangish color when infertile (based on what I've read---all of my berries have been 100% fertile as far as I could tell).

Some crays have been known to store sperm for over a year and then produce a fertile berry, but this is quite rare.

As such, I believe that you are correct in thinking this is an infertile batch of eggs. But before we dismiss the whole thing, I'd like to know more about those eggs you said weren't white (you mentioned that not 'all' of them were white, correct?). What do they look like?

Regardless of what is happening, your best bet is to just leave her be and try to disturb her as little as possible. Just keep up with water changes and she'll take care of the rest. ;)

I'd love to see some pics!


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
The eggs that aren't white are kinda brown...not light, but not dark...and there aren't many left anymore...she ate most of them. Ok, gonna try for some pics...hopefully you can see...they're from when I first found her in berry...she won't cooperate to let me get a shot of her tail today...I'll try maybe this afternoon...gotta do a few water changes today including her tank, but I'll just stay out of her corner. I'm still sure it'll make her good and mad...she HATES water change day...LOL!


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
#5 long has she had eggs?
Those kinda look to me as though they may be fertile.

I've included some pics of my old female at various stages.
I first noticed the eggs in early February (2007), as shown in the first pic. The rest of the pics are in chronological order, ending on March 20. By the following day (March 21), most of the babies had been released from the mom.

How do these compare to yours when you look closely at them in person?


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
Well, it appears as though they weren't fertile after all...I got a pic of them the on Monday, (that I seem to be having trouble uploading...won't let me...hmmmm...) but haven't gotten on the computer to send them...they were that light orangish color...and today (Thursday) there is literally 1 left...LOL...guess she wasn't hungry after eating the rest of them...she's still hiding in her corner, but I saw her "exercising" before. She's due for a moult, so maybe she'll be ready for that's been a while...

She had the eggs a long time though...since there's still evidence, she's had them total about 3 weeks now...

So now I need to wait until she moults now and once more if I'm going to mate her, right?

Thanks Big V for all your help! I noticed you on as well...I knew you could help me out! *BOUNCINGS

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
You're welcome! :)

So now I need to wait until she moults now and once more if I'm going to mate her, right?
Since she hasn't moulted in a while, then yes, I would wait until she has moulted and hardened back up before attempting to mate her. No need to wait for a second moult, because to my knowledge it is only the males which alternate between breeding and non-breeding forms from one moult to the next. Main thing in your case is to just let her moult, rest, and recoup before attempting breeding again. Feed her well to get her good and conditioned for a future brood! ;)



Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
Main thing in your case is to just let her moult, rest, and recoup before attempting breeding again. Feed her well to get her good and conditioned for a future brood! ;)

Yup! She seems back to her old self this afternoon..."redecorating" and picking thru all the gravel to find every single leftover morsel...

Now let me ask you this...the guy I got her from keeps having babies...said he'd give me another...thing is, it's the same we worry about inbreeding with these guys?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Inbreeding for a few generations shouldn't be a big deal, but I'd maybe look into getting new genetics every once in a while if your intent is to continue with any sort of long-term breeding program.