Buenos Aires Tetras: The Unexpected Agressors

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
So, I've come to notice lately that my Buenos Aires Tetras are starting to become quite the bullies. One in particular and especially during feeding times. I don't notice that they're being really agressive toward any of the other species in my tank but definitely toward each other and toward other tetras in the tank, namely, the bleeding hearts. It looks playful in a way and they don't seem to be really hurting each other but they've got me rather worried. They're starting to dart around really quickly bumping into one another and chasing each other this way and that. It was always my understanding that these guys were supposed to be rather friendly. I've had them before in college and never noticed this type of behavior. Furthermore I've noticed that they seem to be getting pretty big pretty fast which is great. It's really nice to see them doing well and their colors are REALLY starting to come through.. they look very very healthy and are super active but are ALWAYS the first to 'investigate' new additions to the tank and are really starting to bully each other and others in the tank. In fact, I've noticed that they seem to corrall (coral? Not sure of the spelling, but you know, hearding..) or heard the smaller jumbo neons into the corner when they venture out. Currently I have 4 of them as you can see in my signature. Any ideas what might be causing this behavior and how to curb it? Would the addition of a few more tetras help calm them down or change the behavior? Of the other 'agressive' species I have in the tank, these guys put them to shame...

Any and all advice, suggestions, etc. are very welcomed. *thumbsups


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
The fish are noted for the behaivor you are witnessing and it will continue until they are rehomed or removed.As far as nipping,harrassing,they put tiger barbs to shame.

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
REALLY!!?? Wow. Well, truthfully I cannot prove that there is any fin nipping going on but this tiger barb thing really makes me mad! I've wanted a group (no more than 3-5) of tiger barbs forever! I want them sooo bad but everything you see/read/hear about them is that they are soo aggressive and that they'll go after bigger and smaller fish and blah blah blah.. and all you hear about the Buenos Aires is how great they are to keep in a community as long as you have 6-8 other members of the tetra family with it! agh. This brings me to two new questions then

a) could I maybe add 3 tiger barbs in as long as they are very young?
b) would adding another buenos aires or two, or other larger tetras like them help put these guys in their place? I love that they're very healthy and active, but I worry that they're becoming serious bullies.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
If you are going to do tiger barbs, the best thing is to kinda make them the central stocking fish - i.e., plan everything else around them. So, nothing that is too slow-moving, nothing with long fins, nothing that is too small and tasty-looking . . . . And lots of space for a nice-sized shoal of them.

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
awesome. Haha, Ghandi barbs, I like it. Maybe it's a different story when you introduce them into an established community at a young age like you can do with some species but I don't know. The only information you can get about them is that they end up being aggressive fin-nippers.

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
Yeah, for sure. I totally agree... not getting any tiger barbs is probably one of the better Noob decisions I've made in this thing... not getting any tigers...

It WAS satisfying to know however that there ARE species of barb that are far less aggressive and just as attractive to add... like the goldens for instance. I LOVE them

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
Ok, so, update.. upon coming home from work last evening and twice today during the day (car battery trouble, don't ask) I've noticed that my Buenos Aires are actually pretty peaceful and the barbs AND tetras school together and swim around. The bullying for the majority of the day is WAY more playful than anything else. Now feeding time, morning and night, is a different story, the second I add food they start going crazy, like throwing gas on a fire.. they are darting this way and that, bumping into things, chasing each other and other.. all of that, but aside from a case or two of remaining ich, everyone seems to be happy and in good spirits. Maybe I was the one who was having a case of Noob-itis by worrying too much...

Mar 29, 2017
This is happening to my Aires Tetras! They're being little buttholes! I tried to introduce some new tank mates (Neon Tetras) and they went after them! Nipping and what looked like trying to make a meal out of them! Are the Aires Tetras territorial? I thought they were supposed to be friendly!