Besides fish...

Oct 22, 2002
What other pets does everyone have at there house besides fish?  I live on a farm and I have 2 ponds with a lot of fish and turtles, cows, horses, goats, chickens, cats, and dogs and a lot of annoying frogs and crickets.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I TOO live on a farm here in good ol' Kentucky. Puffer where do you live? Are you a hick or a person who lives on a farm by family rule and not by choice? I love the farm. ;D Here are my pets

Fish (of course)
Horses (20)
Cows (300)
Dogs (7)
Sister (1)
Cats (0 I killed them all! ;D)
Many ponds and fish and turtles in them.

As you can see I have a LOT of animals to take care of. That gets to be a hassle sometimes. But it's worth it. :)

Cat Killer.

>:( >:( >:( >:(Well Ryan, You have gone to the bottom of the heap as far as I am concerned.
I regularly see cats that have been shot by imbeciles that should have the gun taken away from them.
I seriously think you should start to respect all animals, however much you dislike them.
I seem to remember you getting into an argument before on this subject.
GET A LIFE. >:( >:( >:( >:(


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Okay the thing about the cats is that they weren't killed on pupose! Goodness. I don't really dislike cats especially since they kill the rats in the barn! ;D Get over yourselves please! I do have a life and the only things I shoot other than when I'm hunting are birds and they are just black birds and house sparrows which are VERY overpopulated around here. I just wanted to clear that up. I just stated the fact that we have no more cats. They were accidently killed by me when I was mowing and the others were killed by rat poison they got into. Like I said I didn't shoot them or anything. Cats are not bad things IMO. I LIKE them and therefore why would you kill something you like? That's stupid. I just thought I would clear that up for you guys since you seem to be really annoyed and upset. >:( Get the facts straight first before you criticise me next time. >:(


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
[quote author=clothahump link=board=general&num=990545321&start=0#11 date=05/23/01 at 14:13:54]
Thanks Shane, I think  maybe he's just strange, probably the puberty thing 8)
That's rude! ;D I am trough puberty and BTW I'm almost as old as Shane if you'll recall. Not to far behind. I'm probably a lot more mature than you guys were. Yes I'll agree I am strange but that's not the point here is it? :D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Look before you mow huu. I think they should stay out of the weeds next time. ;D I accept your appology cloth. Yes I have heard that the bird population is decreasing every year. I have started to cut back on the # of birds I kill each time to be nice to the enviroment. I only shoot birds that I know are overpopulated and causing trouble around here. Like black birds. But I wouldn't shoot a blue jay or anything like that you know. ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Besides fish...(long)

Errr, Ryan, if you're 14 your NOT done with puberty.  Trust me.  Been there myself, you know.  I can only think of 3 people in my life who were done with puberty before 20 or so.  Don't rush it.  It's one helluva ride.
But on to the more worthy subject.....
I grew up in the country, and we used to shoot feral cats on site.  Quick and painless, and NOT repeat NOT for sport.  Or enjoyment; I don't like killing.  Yes, the bird populations are dwindling, as well as lizard and amphibian species as well.  In short, things small enough for a cat to HUNT.  They are an introduced species and they are PREDATORS, and they can and are doing incredable damage to the ecosystem.  They also out-compete native predators because they're usually not frightened of humans.  
It would be great if these cats could be collected and given to people who want them, but they simply breed too much.  Ask your local animal shelter how many they "put down" every year and you'll know I'm right.  
And I happen to LIKE cats.  A lot. I am not saying that all cats should be inside cats or dead cats, but too many cats is still too many, and you have to control the population somehow.  When they start spaying/neutering for less than $5 I'll use that method, but I don't see that happening soon.  


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Scrimman yes that was a misstatement. I KNOW I'm not through it. What I ment to say was just that Shane and I are almost the same age and I misstated what I wanted to say. Yes the cats around here are very sparse and that's why we don't kill them. We probably would if they started to take over. We give most of our kittens away to become house pets if they survive the mower and bush hog first. Not to mention the dogs. ;D

We just got two spayed cats to stay in the horse stables cause the mice are starting to get into stuff. One day I hope to become a vet and I'll do spays and neuterings for around $10! Just to keep the cat population down. They breed like crazy you know. I have a cousin that lives in Chicago and they are so outrageous there. You can't sleep sometimes listening to them whine for food and water and stuff. So like you said shooting them isn't cruel if it's for the benefit of the cat and not just for fun or sport. Very well stated might I say. ;D