Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

My lawnmower blenny is evil

Here’s a picture I took of my lawnmower blenny. Since i’m having some algae issues, he’s been busy eating algae and more algae. Last weekend I thought I’d get him another friend. I figured my tank would be big enough and have enough algae to support two of them.

After a few hours of putting in the new one, I found them next to each other. sweet! they’re like buddies now! The next day, while looking at the tank, I saw the original one chase the new one around! Dang, territorial issues but I hoped it would eventually go away. It did cross my mind that at the speed and rate, one of them could jump out of my tank. The next day, it unfortunately did. Lesson learned. Only one blenny in a tank for me from now on.