Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

My Fish Tank

Da da! The long awaited picture of my fish tank. here are the quick stats…

Tank: 36x30x24 braceless starphire glass tank
Lighting: 400watt 10K XM w/ moonlight bulb
Skimmer: ASM G-2 Skimmer
Fishs: Yellow Tang, Flame Angel, Mystery Wrasse, 8x False Percula Clownfishes (yes..8) and a White-Cap Clownfish in my refug.
Corals: Red Yuma, 2 Ritteri Anemones, 1 Sebae Anemone, 8x Rose Anemones (and counting!) and others…

I could talk about the different ideas/plans I had for this tank but it would take awhile as there was many. My current plan for this tank is pretty much an anemone dominated tank. Because anemones get bigger and have the ability to split, I am going to purchase probably a few more anemones and then start feeding them to get them bigger and hopefully split. I’m going to miss going to the fish store when my tank is full…but maybe that means I should get another tank? haha!

I started this tank about 2-3 years ago but never really did much to it until lately. In future posts, I’ll talk about setting it up and give more details about my fish tank.