Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

Jackpot The Golden Blenny July Update

A Jackpot the Golden Blenny update. I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I got him. I had to double check the date to make sure. time flies. But good news! Jackpot is still alive. So far I’ve had zero luck in trying to get it to eat flakes or frozen mysis shrimp. Instead he prefers to eat the algae off the glass which is good.

The tank I put jackpot in is a 29 gallon tank that is attached to my main tank. It’s always had trouble with alot of algae growth that I couldn’t control. But in the 2 months I’ve had Jackpot, he’s kept that tank pretty clean which is awesome…except for the fact that I hope he doesn’t eat all the algae and have nothing else to eat.

So I’m now doing something that goes against everything I’ve been striving for. I’m now trying to get that tank to grow more algae! Shouldn’t be that hard right since I’ve had trouble all these years? haha. So far it seems to be working. I monitor the amount of algae in that tank to make sure he has enough food.