Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum


The Halimeda plant is a green calcareous macroalgae found within tropical oceans worldwide, and is a beautiful decorative plant for a marine aquarium. The irregular oval segments of Halimeda appear as several small green coins glued from end-to-end, forming a chain. For this reason, Halimeda may also be called the Money Plant. Calcareous algae deposit calcium carbonate in their tissues, and require a sufficient calcium level in the aquarium in order to thrive.
Halimeda are generally hardy in a marine aquarium, and few fish will feed on it. It is not an invasive plant that will cause harm to close neighboring corals or invertebrates. In addition to light, it requires a sufficient level of calcium to grow. They are not as tolerant of high nitrate or phosphate levels compared to some other algae. They also do not tolerate extensive pruning.

Quick Stats:
Care Level: Moderate
Lighting: Moderate
Waterflow: Medium
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, sg 1.023-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4, dKH 8-12
Color Form: Green
Supplements: Calcium, Iron, Trace Elements
Origin: Caribbean, Hawaii
Family: Halimedaceae

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