Yummy Shrimp?

last night my shrimp looked like it was dead so i tried to fish it out but it kept swimming away so i thiought it was just tired but it did look kinda sick. This morning i checked for it and i couldnt find it. I saw my fish all huddled over in one corner so i looked and half the shrimp was gone! they were eating it! Is this ok because i dont know why it died could it have had a disease or should i just let them eat it? haha


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
generally any dead carcasses and material should be removed from your tank immediately (other than shrimp moultings). If the shrimp died of certain bacterial infections or parasites they may have been transfered to the fish. However if it was damage to its organs, a defect or just something natural was wrong then the fish should be fine.

Rule of thumb: take the dead out.