What's your favorite DIY project?


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Just to liven things up a little, I'll ask a simple question: What DIY projects have you done that your are particularly proud of?

Other than about 7 different designs for CO2 reactors I guess mine would be converting the LOA 27W PC Quad security lamps and LOA 65W PC security lamps for use over my tanks.

LOA == Lights of America.

Cost for each fixture was about $30.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I have made 3 Canopys for my 45, 20 long, and 10, with DIY lighting on the 20 and 10. Also I recently Made a stand for my wifes 20 high goldfish tank. Hehe, I could park my truck on that thing and it wouldnt budge! ( made it out of 4x4's and 1x4's)

I find that doing these projects are very entertaining and really add an effect of 'look at what I did' to the tank. Plus after the money my wife spent of power tools for me over christmas, I had to find something useful to build! (Justifies the need for more tools!!!!! LOL)

But I will have to say that I am particularly proud of the lighting canopy for my newest 20 long plant tank. Has plenty space in the back for equipment, and 2 24" dual lighting strips from lowes pumping out 80w total light. 2 sylvania 20w aquarium glo bulbs, and 2 20w regular bulbs. I think that it gives a nice effect, not to strong, but not to soft. Had the tank set up for about a month now and the plants seem to be doing great.