what size tank?


Large Fish
Aug 7, 2003
I have read that you should keep 3 females for every male swordtail. What is the smallest tank size you can keep them in and still be safe?

Jul 15, 2003
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IMO it depends on whether or not all you want to keep are the 4 swordtails. Chances are you will want to add some other fish to that mix eventually. If you are wondering about size because of money, get at least a 10 gal. A 20 gallon would be better. A 29 gallon would be best. Keep in mind the bigger you get, the more room for plants and decorations, plus any other fish (like corys, etc) you might add down the road. You would spend more money up front, but in the long run it pays off because you don't have to go get another tank every time you see another fish you like. Plus, the bigger the tank the more stable the water conditions. It also looks to me like you want some baby swordtails out of the deal. Unless you have a hospital tank then having a bigger tank lessens the number of casualties, usually.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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Id recommend a 20 gallon for 4 swordtails and some odd ball small fish. You can keep them in 2:1 ratio if u want. In my 35 i have 3 males and 2 females but a bunch of female platies as well. Aggressive is not easily decided with an all male tank because they MIGHT fight cuz they are all male or might not cuz there is no female but either way id expect some nipping but nothing serious. What id recommend is 2:1 ratio and some other small fish to fill up the tank and be like "distractions". HTH