55 gallon: Get a ton of plants for my 55 gallon. I'm going to order them online. There are more to choose from and they are cheaper than buying from my lfs. Finish making a wooden canopy for the tank that will have four 40watt florescents. Right now I'm just using the two 15watt ones that came with the tank. Finish moving fish from my 20 and 10 gallons into the tank. Get some more platies, pearl gouramis, khuli loaches, and otos.
10 gallon: After I move all the fish out, I have a friend that wants to buy it from me (lid, gravel, etc. included).
20 gallon: After I move all the fish out, I'm going to get a stand for it. It's on my dresser now. I'm going to totally start it over with new substrate and live plants. I'm also going to paint the back the same blue as I did on my 55. It looks really good. I plan to make a similar canopy as on the 55, but with three or four 20watt bulbs. I want to get some rams for this tank, as well as some panda cories and harlequin rasboras. I'm not sure what else I'm going to put in it.
I want/hope to be done with all this by the end of the summer.