what do you keep with your oscars?

Oct 22, 2002

you know kitten, i'm with you, i bought an oscar about 1 inch long, and put him into a 20G tank with about 60 convicts, then i give away all my convicts except for one male, and put them on a 35G tank, he is about 2 1/2 inches now, and he is doing fine in the tank....

Why everybody get panic when we call about oscars and a tank smaller than 55G, as we have learned here and at the pets stores, we knew when we bought an oscar how big he will get, but you might thing that we wish a huge tank about 100+G but maybe we can't affort it right now....

so don't panic when we talk about a small tanks and oscar, we will find a good solution when the oscar gets big...  

Don't scare other people of the great experience of having an oscar, who knows maybe a 10 G tank could get into a house full of tanks, thats my experience, because i started 1 year ago with this hobby, and i think oscars are the best fish to have, they can atract your attention an switch your hobby in permanent way of living among fishes....

so please don't scare young aquarist...
SIZE DOESN'T MATTER (in some cases)...