Uv lights.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My new house I saw tucked away above a door frame in the basement, was a couple UV lights. They have most of the light shielded, but it is on a basic strip light for any normal flo bulb.  What use are these?(fish or not fish related)  It has a "do not expose and harmful to your eyes " on the bulbs.




I thougt UV lights were used for sterlization in fish tanks but not planted tanks. The nutrients become oxidized with UV sterlization but it will remove any algae spores and disease. Or am I thinking of something else?

Hi Matt, is the UV situated near water pipes?
Could it be a bug trap?
While we are on this subject, do you think UV would be useful against BGA,I have got it back again. 8)
Would one of you like to send me some erythmycin??
It is available in some pet stores over the counter, I know you can buy it in Canada, 200mg capsules, really cheap.