Update on cory fry

This morning I did a 60% wc and found another dead one. Down to 17.

I tested the water and it looks like the ammo is gone!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

Mom's gonna swing by Pets Inc. today to see if they have some BioSpira. :)

LATER: I cleaned the 20g and found another baby cory. He's in the glass bowl right now until he gets big enough to go in the cory tank. :D

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Eek. Somebody! Post! This is my 5th post in a row! :eek:

Anyway, had another death today. One guy died and the little guy I rescued from the big tank died too. Maybe the shock of getting "siphoned," landing in fish poo, and then living with the "big guys" was too much?

Well, here's some pics of the huge guy. He is almost twice as big as his siblings born on the same day. Weird. I have a pretty good feeling that he'll survive. Yay!


Down to 16 (I think). I'm starting to lose count again. I'll confirm the number on Sat.
I did a wc yesterday and NO ammonia, NO nitrite, and NO nitrate.
I'm taking that as a sign that the biospira worked...?

The big guy seems to be getting bigger every day! He's turning a lighter color too like mommy; I wonder if it's female...hmmm. :D

Updates and pics to come soon!


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Well, when you think about it with a darwinian approach - the reason livebearers have so many fry, and the reason egglayers lay so many eggs, is because that increases the chances for the survival of the population. You've been doing a good job with the little guys you have though!!

I looked at my peppered cories this morning, and one of them seems to be a bit "fatter" and rounder than the other.... I'm keeping a close eye on them. :D


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Maybe when I finally get my 75 gallon, and I put in many more peppered cories, I can get some eggs too! :D

It appears i may have to wait till I move out though. :(
So till then, I'll upgrade my 15 gallon to a 29, and get a 40something gallon.

I think I'm going to go home to see if any of my cories have been doing the hanky-panky! My father always said I somehow manage to speed through traffic :D

Kissy, are you sure that biggest one isn't big enough to add to your main tank? I'll bet he can hold his own by now (unless your pictures make him out to be much, much bigger than he is).
Yeah, I was thinking the same. He's about 3/4 of an inch right now. I bet he could make it but everytime I look over into the 20g I think he's still too small. There's another cory that's catching up with him in size so I think that if I remove the big one, then the next will mature faster. (Seems all fry do this, weird.) Idk. I don't want to kill him by doing that but I think he might be ready. Any other opinions before I do something stupid? :D

Edit: The only fish I'm worried about attacking/eating him would be the betta. But if I move Finfin into the 5g for a while (before I get the puffer,) then he can grow up faster until I add the betta back in, right?


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Yeah. Best not risk it.


I'm happy! I moved my DGs, Oto, and Peppered Cories while I added some Laterite (which clouded up the water bad!) and rescaped their tank.

Looking at the Cories, one of them is getting to be quite plump, I think she may be carrying some eggs on her! :D I'll see if I can get some pictures later.

The cory tank is getting a little algaeish. I usually take the two fake plants and the ugly cave thing and scrub them clean with an old toothbrush and scrub the walls so the algae goes away. Now I realize that I have the biospira in there though.

Question: What can I clean/not clean in order to keep the bacteria alive?
And how much of a water change can I do without starting a cycle over?