Update on cory fry


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
maybe the reason you loose so many fry is the way you do your wc, no offense but why do you do "mega" wc and scrubs? really all you need to do is graval vac 25% of the water once a week, and scrub algae off but if you scrub the whole tank and mega clean ...you could be killing tons of bacteria which could explain why you are loosing fry almost right after your cleaning..you dont even need to clean filter material...unless it has a lot of gunk...and then all you do is gently swirl it around in your aquarium water and dont squeeze out too much media...bc again this dislodges the bacteria

Ah, when I say mega clean, all I mean is getting rid of the algae that I didn't scrub off last time, and do a slightly larger wc.

Also, I believe it was iapetus who told me that I can scrub whatever I want, as long as I don't put it in untreated water. How else would I get the algae off the ugly cave thing? I use an old toothbrush for that...

I think the others all died because not all can survive. I mean, look at how many eggs I had! 32! It's obvious that they lay more eggs than cories that survive. I think having 5 survive (and be healthy) is a pretty good turnout. :)

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
yeah. cories when they are old are delicate enough. when they are young i suppose it's less of a chance of survival. certain things such as amonia increasing etc can be a pain but it happens. scrubbing the ornaments in the tank is fine. just brushing the bacteria off surfaces onto others. maybe kills some. washing in untreated water is a problem.

When you do your filter you should not clean the media inside the tank. you should get a bucket/ container that is big enough to hold your filter media with excess water(tank water). depending on your media it's different but with sponge like media it's easy. run it through your fingers, crease it up a bit, squeese it a bit in the water until it looks considerably cleaner. then put it back where it was. if they dont come clean properly replace one/ some (if there are two like mine). then dispose of that water and use the same amount of new treated water in the container. and put that in.(instead of the murky water).


Wow, haven't been here for a while because there isn't much to say. But I did make an exciting discovery today!!! :D

One of the babies looks like mom and the other one like dad! Their fins and colors match up exactly which makes me think I've got a female and a male baby!!! :) The baby female is almost as big as daddy, so they're definitely growing.

So, if I'm right...what do I name them??? :D :D :D

So the big guys are over 7 months old now!! I think they are confused of their gender because sometimes they try to mate with mommy, who ignores them, and sometimes with each other...uhh...yeah...;)

Anyway, just for the record, I have two more fry born on Sept. 9th. I had them in with the oto fry and then I put them in the 6.6g. I left them in there although all the otos in there died. :( I totally forgot about them cuz I never saw them and basically didn't feed them either. Today I found both still alive and rather large, so I fished them out and put them in a bowl until I clean out the 6.6g and get it ready for more otos! :)

So, uh, I'm pretty sure the oldest fry is a male..............he kind of....um.....mated......with.....uh........................the mom......???


I was like, eww!

Anyway, now at least I can name him properly.

As for the other fry, I have one more older one and two young ones who are still pretty puny. I also discovered another newly hatched one in the water change water so I threw him back in. Maybe he'll survive. I don't really care...

Edit: The oldest ones were born on March 1st. So I guess they can start mating around 9 months...
The youngest ones were born on September 9th.
The tiniest one that I don't know if he'll survive was born around December 17th.

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