Update : Colloidal Silver - Friend of Foe in the Aquarium (Original post 2015-01-14)

Jun 4, 2012
Here is an update re the testing of Colloidal Silver in the fish tank :

Since the last post I have treated infected fish from two different Pet Shop’s with great success

The last treatment was on some Clown Loaches infected with Ick / White Spot as well as Fin Rot..

On arrival (Saturday)
On Arrival Saturday.jpg

Following Friday
Following Friday.jpg

The Pet Shop kept and treated two fish with shop sold treatments in the shop and I took two fish home to treat with Colloidal Silver

Again I used the 10 liter hospital tank and used the following dosages of a 16PPM CS

Day 1 15ml (2015-06-27)
Day 2 10ml
Day 3 5ml
Day 4 15ml
Day 5 10ml
Day 6 5ml No more Ick / White Spot visible, Fins almost totally healed
Day 7 Just monitored
Day 8 Moved them to the 200 liter tank

It has now been a month since the 1st treatment and they are in excellent condition (fins included)

I visited the Pet Shop that treated the other two fish with their shop sold treatments a week ago and their fish has also healed from the Ick / White Spot. Although their two fish show no signs of Ick / White spot the tails of the fish are still showing signs of fin rot and one fist has lost half its tail

Own tank feedback

Apart from visibly having very healthy fish I must add that I have had excellent water clarity since I started testing the Colloidal Silver

As most others I was weary of the effect that the Colloidal Silver would have on the biological filtration system but looking at the healthy fish and water clarity I feel that the Colloidal Silver has definitely had a positive effect on the system as a whole with a preference to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria, fungus, parasites and virusses but to let the beneficial bacteria flourish

Yet again, like with all treatments… think and stick to the advised protocols