two "crazy" loaches

Oct 22, 2002
ok my two largest loaches..r actin' kinda weird..
making tons of clicking noises and doin' some kinda
crazy lip a territorial thing(it is only a 30 gal) or is it mating ritual??  or are they just clowin' around?? any ideas?

I take it you are reffering to clowns, they will click at each other,there are many reasons why they do this, my clowns will click at each other when they are fighting over food, they also click when the tank is in total darkness,perhaps just to let each other know where they are.
I would not think they are getting ready to breed, they need to be adult size before they breed, and if I remember correctly they usually breed as a small shoal, you would therefore need a large tank with fast running, very clean water.
They are so difficult to breed that they are all wild caught. 8)