Thinking of a Saltwater tank.


Medium Fish
Jul 24, 2011
Richfield Ohio
So as the title states. Im thinking of setting up a saltwater tank. Im in the process of getting a 55g
tank. Im planning on using live sand and Live rock. Ive been reading and it looks like its actually easier to run a saltwater tank then a freshwater. However i cant believe that lol. Maybe im reading wrong or im thinking to much into it. Anyhow im not planning on putting any fish in it for a few months i want to work mostly on The Live rock and Live sand. I also read that in a 10 gallon nano you can do it without a filter????? if so can i do the same on a 55?
I have been searching on google and other random websites. But they all say to use a filter then a few posts down someone says they dont use one lol. So any ideas on that?
Im planning on mostly corals and live rocks... i Plan on buying one power head for the top of the water and one submerge-able pump for the bottom just to circulate the water. i dont know the size of Powerhead yet as i havent shopped. but the sub pump is a 180GPH pump i have already.
I read that more the current the better? but how can that be good for fish? anyway thanks for helping :)


Medium Fish
Feb 6, 2008
Lawrence, KS
yes the more current the better. this makes sure that no debris is stagnant and breaking down into nitrates and phosphates. having a lot of flow does not hurt the fish. there is a sticky that talks about high flow and its effects on fish, take a look at that. I would recommend a protein skimmer for a 55 instead of no filter. powerheads, live rock, and a skimmer will be your filtration. and since your planning on keeping corals, you'll need some strong lighting.


Medium Fish
Jul 24, 2011
Richfield Ohio
Cool thanks. Now with the Strong lighting so i follow the WPG rule 1 watt per gallon or is it different for Salt? i know i
use different types of lights just unsure of the WPG rule.. i was actually planning on useing 48 inch shop lights and having 4 bulbs. any ideas on this?


Medium Fish
Feb 6, 2008
Lawrence, KS
I would suggest t5s, its what I use and I love them. They aren't as expensive as LEDs and won't give off heat like metal halides. The corals you wanna keep will determine what light you should get.