tank wont stay clean

Jul 24, 2005
hi there all i have 3 decent size goldfish in a small hexagon tank i only had the undergravel filter in with the air pump in the back tube to start with and was having to clean the tank weekly because the water was getting really murky.
a friend advised me to by a fluval filter so i whent and baught a fluval one for the tank in the hope that it would keep the tank nice and clean for my fish.
after cleaning the tank out ready for the new filter i thaught it would be a good idea to leave the undergravel filter in with the fluval after all it couldnt hurt it would just keep the tank extra clean :) and airate the water even bvetter but for some unfortunate reason the tank is still murky and the fluval has only been for about a week.
the undergravel filter i thaught was a bit strainge it has a plastic perferated sheet under the gravel with a clear pip rising from the sheet at the back of the tank then inside the pipe i was told to insert the air block and air pipe so the bubbles rise up the pipe how this was supposed to keep the water clean i do not know.
but i left in in the hope it would aid the fluval i was told that these fluval filters are supposed to be really good for keeping small tanks clean but my is still dirty any ideas would help alot please thnx very much.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
You are making some very basic mistakes there - and your tank will stay murky until you correct them.

Mistake one - the recommendation is for 20 gallons of water for your first Goldfish, and 10 gallons for each additional fish.

Mistake two - undergravel filters are problematic as they are a pain to keep clean. Add to that the fact that Goldfish are one of the messiest fish out there, and it's not a good combination.

Mistake three - Fluval One's are rated for 10 gallon tanks, but are only efficient at the 6 gallon mark. They also take a month or so to break in, so after a week, I wouldn't expect one to make much of an impact on your water quality.

Compound those three errors, and you will never have a stable tank.

So - if you want to keep three goldfish - you need 40 gallons of water (55 is better) and a filter that is rated for that lot - probably a Fluval 204.

I know that may not be what you wanted to hear - but if you carry on as you are now, you will start to lose fish.

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
well... firstly give us your water parameters (they are pH nitrite KH GH blahhhh...)in the undergravel filter.. the bacteria lives in the gravel.. you will most prob need to siphon the bottom to get rid of muck because goldfish are quite a big fish and poop alot more than usual fish... and you will need to do it every week to keep it up to scrach clean...in the fluval... bacteria will be building up on the sponge.. all it wil do is help take the poop away.. maybe you could get some live plants in there if you dont already have any to help keep the water clean


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How often have you been doing water changes? Its reccomended to "clean" the tank once a week anyway...do a water change and gravel vac. If you hadn't been doing gravel vacs or water changes, with three goldfish...yeah I'd expect your water to be murky. What size tank is it? "small" would lead me to believe something under 10 gallons? What purple said about having at least 10 gallons per goldfish is right on...they are VERY messy.

The UGF works by moving the water around, pulling it through the gravel for filtration and back out that clear tube thats sticking up.


New Fish
Aug 2, 2005
North California
hello comradpoplin,

I think it depends on the size of your tank. The smaller the tank, the more water changes required. I wouldn't totally depend on a filter to keep the tank clean. I have 2 filters on my 55 gallon however i still do regular 30 percent water changes everyweek.
Good water changes can also help improve the life of your filter therefore help you keep your water cleaner. One thing I would also suggest is feeding your fish a little less. This is just one alternative.


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
eeeek.... i think that getting a larger tank would be priority number one...

and then, getting your UG filter working, and maybe even get a biowheel/HOB filter going, espe cially for goldfish, because they are so messey.....

Sounds like overfeeding/inefficient filtration/too many fish....


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
welcome to MFT, comradpopin! :)

i think that your best bet (and i know you won't want to hear this!!) is to find a new home for the goldfish (see if your LFS will take them) and replace them with some small tropicals i.e. cardinal tetras or danios which are NO WHERE NEAR as messy as goldfish. as soon as you switch out your fish, you'll be amazed by how "clean" your tank will become! ;) just something to consider!