Started Building My Stand Today!

Dec 29, 2008
I purchased my first tank this week, a 46g bowfront, and decided to build my own stand. I couldn't see paying 250 dollars for something I figured I could make for less than 75-100.

I liked the design of the Aqueon stand that was in the LFS, though it seemed pretty wiggly for something that is supposed to hold 500+ lbs. I took some measurements from the stand, plus the shape of the tank and got busy. I have a bunch of poplar that I planed, jointed and am now gluing up (with biscuits) to make panels. Hopefully by the time I get done tonight all the glueing will be done.

Tomorrow I hope to have it assembled. :rolleyes:

Then on to primer and paint. I think.

Is anyone interested in me posting pics or is this kind of thing old hat here?