solid food


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
i've often seen solid fish food that looks like a chunk of chalk which is used when the keeper is going for a long holiday. i'd like to know what is it made of and how it actually works. anyone who has used it and with the pros and cons to share with me ??? i know i can starve fish to around a week and may be better off not using it, but curiousity kills the cat.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well, I don't know what the stuff is they use, but the biggest con of the product is that it releases so much food, the fish don't eat it all, and it just rots in the tank, causing an ammonia spike and therefore dead fishies.  You're better off not feeding them the week you're away.

Oct 22, 2002
HI, I agree with colesea. Those weekend blocks of food or sometimes called holiday food will do more harm than good. The best suggestion to you is if you're only going away for a few days, fish in your tnak will be fine. On the other hand if you're going awayfor prolonged perid of time like weeks then I suggest you to get one of thse auto feeders that release food 2 times a day, I've had great success with te auto feeder and even though it migt cost a little money.... it's cheaper than getting a new tankful of fish.