Since it's too big to be my avatar...

Eh, I don't know any technical stuff about breeding so I wouldn't know--'course, there's one fry that's practically identical to his mother. lol Unfortunately, i can't explain that 'cause I bought the mothers pregnant.

How to you get it to be that small without cutting anything off? I might be able to discover a way to do it on my computer but I've never come across one before.


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
go to paint and image at the top then click on stech/screw or something like that and it should be 100 h and 100 v then type in either 8o or 90 or 10 or 20 just play around with it until its small enough then go on attibues in image it should be something like 80 or 60 pixels if itsles than 76 make it bigger but if its bigger than 76 by 76 (not to big though otherwise you will loose the image) and just type in 76 76 and its avatar size. sorry i couldnt be clearer hope this helps!