Setting up a new tank


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Well I put this together for my blog articles, so I figured I should share it here as well just in case anyone wanted to read it.

So, you want to setup a new tank...just need water right?

A freshwater aquarium can provide years of enjoyment for you and your fish if established and maintained correctly. Different fish or flora may require special equipment, or unique filtration, so setting up the tank correctly is essential to short, and long term success.

Probably the most important task (and often the most overlooked) is the planning process. Before buying anything, simply taking the time to plan out the habitat will almost eliminate any problems down the road. A few things that need to be on you plan include: Tank Size, Tank Location, Type of Tank Environment (rocky, planted), Types of Fish, Substrate, Filtration, Lighting, Heating and Water Circulation.

With these points in mind, start a real plan to put the tank together, write this plan down and then research the fish to determine what equipment will be needed to provide the proper environment for them. Once your plan is assembled you can purchase the equipment you need and feel confident you have the correct habitat for your fish. Use the list below as a general step-by-step guide to setting up an aquarium.

1. Tank Location
2. Place Tank/Stand
3. Aquascaping
4. Filtration Setup
5. Plumbing/Electric
6. Water
7. Start Filtration
8. Lights
9. Cycle Tank
10. Introduce Fish

Tank Location
It is best to avoid natural lighting sources in most situations. Natural sunlight coming thru windows and patios tends to spawn algae growth, and can lead to problems for the beginner. Find a medium to dimly lit, cool area with sufficient air circulation for your aquarium. Make sure that you have access to electrical outlets close by and easy access to the location is essential for your weekly tank maintenance.

Place Tank/Stand
Measure the length, width, and height of your stand/tank/canopy as it will set. Make sure that the chosen location is large enough to accommodate not just the tank and stand, but any HOB (Hang Over Back) filters and hoses. Make sure the tank is level and fits squarely on the stand. Remember that water is very heavy (close to 8 lbs. per gallon!) so it's preferable to have a level, well supported area for your aquarium, failure to do so can result in disaster. It is recommended to "test fill" any new aquarium outside to test for leaks.

After the substrate and decor have been sufficiently rinsed (Do Not Shortcut Rinsing), you can begin to arrange the aquarium inside before you add the water. Put the substrate in first. Usually about a pound per gallon is enough when using plain aquarium, or 2-3 inches of a good quality substrate (fluorite, eco-complete, aquatic soil) if you are choosing live plants. Next put in the rock/wood/plants to decorate the tank. Some fish require hiding spots, caves, etc. so arrange with the specimens you will be adding in mind.

Filtration Setup
Arrange the filtration components as where they will be when the tank is running. Make sure there is adequate spacing both between the components and the wall. Ensure everything fits, there is proper spacing and you have access to everything for maintenance.

Make sure that your electrical outlets are properly grounded and any extension cords involved are heavy duty and have a breaker. Make sure to use drip loops on all cords coming from the tank. Check all plumbing fixtures and filtration components to make sure they have been properly fastened/sealed.

Use treated tap water (add a tap water conditioner to the water) to fill your tank and take your time. Don't destroy all the aquascaping you just finished. Filling the tank and starting the filters will be the test to see if the plumbing fixtures are working properly, it will also show you what your finished aquarium will look like, and you may end up making some changes to your aquascaping at this time.

Start Filtration
Prime necessary pumps and filters as recommended by the manufacturer. Make sure that all devices are operating properly and that your water flow is consistent with the needs of your future inhabitants. This is also the time to start your thermometer, air pump and any power heads or other devices.

Turn on all of the aquarium lights to be sure all bulbs are working. Make sure all lights and fixtures are away from aquarium/filter water splashing. Most lighting purchased with tanks is totally inadequate for a well lit tank, even more so for a planted tank. A planted tank should have at least 2 watts per gallon to be considered a low light tank, 3-4 watts per gallon for medium light and anything above 4 watts per gallon for a high light tank. Your plant selection should be partially based on the amount of light you have as well as the addition of CO2 and fertilizers. Replace bulbs when needed.

Cycle Tank
THIS IS THE MOST NEGLEGTED PROCESS IN FISHKEEPING! It is also the reason for most beginner fish deaths and why some people give up on keeping fish. Usually cycling a tank is done by putting fish in the tank and letting nature take its course. While it is possible to cycle with fish, it often shortens the fish lifespan and often kills the fish outright. Fishless cycling is actually easier and has the benefits of not hurting the fish and allowing you to fully stock your tank once the cycle is complete. Fishless cycling is simple; add enough ammonia to the tank to increase the level to 5ppm. Keep the level of ammonia at 5ppm until the tank is capable to removing the ammonia in a 24 hour period (ammonia level reading 0). Beneficial bacteria have then been created that convert the ammonia into nitrate. Almost done now. The Nitrites are also dangerous to fish just as ammonia is, but the next step in the process is bacteria that change nitrites into nitrates. Nitrates are less harmful to the fish and are easily removed by water changes. A good test kit is essential to determining when your tank has completed the cycle. BE PATIENT, cycling a tank can often take between a month or two. Yes it's a long time, but your fish will love you for it. Bio-Spira can be used to "instantly" cycle a tank, but it is the only product known to actually work and is usually hard to find. Some people add substrate/decorations or swish filters from an established aquarium to jump start the cycling process.

Introduce Fish
If you have properly cycled your tank, you can add a full bio-load of fish right away, if you have chosen to go the fish-in cycle method you must add specimens sparsely, and be extremely careful in the choice of additions; only very hardy fish will survive. Add specimens that are compatible, not only behaviorally, but also environmentally. Be careful to not overstock your tank, too many fish will create water conditions that are hazardous to your fish. For begginers it is recommended not to exeed the 1 inch of fish per gallon rule (this is based on the adult size of the fish, not its current size).

There are several methods available for transferring fish from shipping bag to tank:

Dumping fish straight from bag into tank is probably the worst method.

Floating the bag in the water for 15 minutes then releasing the fish into the tank, water and all.

Netting the fish out of the shipping bag and putting it into the tank.

Dosing, where you use a dose of AmQuel and NovAqua (a capful per ten gallons or ten drops of each per gallon) added to the receiving tank and a small squirt of each is added to the shipping bag as soon as it is opened, the net method is used from that point.

The use of a quarantine tank is highly recommended, especially for established aquariums.

In closing, starting a new tank is a rewarding experience, but as with any pets, you are now responsible for their health! Do your research and plan ahead, you and your fish will be grateful in the long run.

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
On one internet site, a way was suggested to add water without disturbing your decorations. It said that when you are filling your tank with a hose, you should put a large jar on the bottom of your tank, and fill the tank through the jar. That way, the water overflows the jar, and pours in slowly enough not to disturb the gravel or plants or anything. This works great...I did this when I filled my new tank...nothing was disturbed.


Large Fish
Jul 18, 2003
SW Wisconsin
Originally posted by ecotank
There are several methods available for transferring fish from shipping bag to tank; Dumping fish straight from bag into tank is probably the worst method; floating the bag in the water for 15 minutes then releasing the fish into the tank, water and all; netting the fish out of the shipping bag and putting it into the tank; and dosing where you use a dose of AmQuel and NovAqua (a capful per ten gallons or ten drops of each per gallon) added to the receiving tank and a small squirt of each is added to the shipping bag as soon as it is opened, the net method is used from that point. The use of a quarantine tank is highly recommended, especially for established aquariums.

I understand what you are after here, but for a new person I think it could be split into several sentences, or a new paragraph. Other than the above I'd say it is very complete and logical.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How Sticky of you :) And for those that wondered about putting it in the article section...we have plans to revamp the article section so we're working on it. We'd like to get the stickys out of the way that are more like articles...put the articles in the article sections. What a novel idea ;)


Medium Fish
Oct 11, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
Visit site
initially it is turned to nitrIte, then different (but still beneficial) bacteria turn it into nitrAte to complete the cycle. NitrAte then is either used by the live plants or must be removed by periodic water changes or it too will build up to toxic levels.


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2005
If you read the context of the blurb, it is talking about the 1st cycle. It hasn't mentioned the bacteria that convert nitrite to nitrate yet, so it's a typo.

Mar 23, 2005
I have always been told that the best way to introduce fish into a new enviornment is to but the bag in the water for 15 minutes. Then dump a little water from the bag, and then add some of the water from the tank. (I usually go w/ a 1/4 of the water). Again, let sit for 10-15 and then you can dump all the fish into the tank at once. I have found that by the time the fish enter the tank the immediately (or close to immediately) move around an investigate. Any of the other ways that I've used usually have caused my fish a little shock. I thought your article was great. I have also read that you should first reasearch all the fish you are interested in and try to build an enviorment that allows for "Novices" to develope an understanding of how fish work. I.E. my husband has always had groups of 3 danios together....but it was strongly recomended that any schooling fish should be purchased/kept in groups of 6-10. what do you think?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
danios love to be in as big of groups as possible.

The process you described for acclimating new fish to your tank is the most effective way...however it doesn't always have to take that long. If you know that the fish you're transferring are used to a different pH than is in your should take a LONG time to transfer them. If you know its the same pH and roughly the same temperature...I think the most important thing is that its smart not to let the water from the bag the fish came in get into your tank. Floating to get the temperature the same is pretty common. Ecotank was just outlining the different ways...because it seems that everyone kind of has their own way of doing things.

I think we'd all agree that its VERY important to research fish before you get them and to plan a tank around some kind of a habitat (ie make sure that the fish you put together will get along and be happy in the tank size you put them in considering territories and breeding etc)


Small Fish
Jan 18, 2006
how importnatn is a light to a tank without live plants? I put a new bulb in an old fixture and it blow instantly. I can't really afford a new hood or anything, this is a hand-me-down old tank, its in good shape other than this.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Really your fish dont need the light. You might keep your eyes open for a used top that fits your tank at garage sales this summer? who knows.

on the majority of my tanks they just get natural light, and then sometimes I'll turn the lights on when I'm at home just to enjoy the tank...and sometimes I only turn the light on when I'm feeding so I can check everyone out, head counts etc :)

If you have any plecos they would probably appreciate a light, not for the light, but the algae that would use the light to grow so you'd definitely need to make sure you have added enough for the pleco to eat.