Same species different breed, will they still school?

Feb 10, 2017
TL;DR- will fishies of the same species but different breed still school and be happy? How many is overcrowding in 10 gal heavily planted + 2 mystery snails? (New to fish)

Adding fish to my 10 gal heavily planted aquarium with two very happy mystery snails and a large and medium rock formation.
I wanted to get three red panda mollys (I believe they're called red panda), two dalmation, and one black for a total of 6. Plus maybe a catfish because they look really cool.
So my simple question is... Will all of those mollys school together even though they're different breeds? Also, is that too many fish for a 10 gal? And will the catfish be lonely being the only one?
I was thinking of possibly cutting down to 2 each red panda and dalmation and still one catfish or 3 red panda 2 dalmation, no catfish.

I just want to make sure everyone in the aquarium is happy and healthy! Thank you so much for any help, I'm new to fish. Betty (black mystery) is almost a year old, and unsexed, unnamed ivory mystery I've had for about a week. They get along perfectly.