RIP Pygmy Cory


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008

I think that sometime while I was doing a waterchange, I must've hit and injured one of my Pygmy Cories... It's not quite dead yet, but it's about to die.

I saw it lying on its side while adding water back to the tank, and I figured, "GREAT! I killed one" And then I saw it struggling to swim on it's side. He kept doing the same thing... He'd lie around for about 5 minutes, then try to swim.... then just lie on his side, and try to swim again... He hasn't tried moving anymore, but he's still breathing.

I'm trying to figure out what I could've done during that water change to hurt him.


He's my first casualty in a loooooooong time (not including the new guppy fry that were born and eaten....)

Maybe he'll miraculously recover, but I don't see him lasting for more than a couple of hours... :mad:


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Death has been confirmed.

And the Oto i moved into the 15 gallon is about to kick the bucket too.... he just fell off the glass... still breathing, but lying on its side on the ground. :(

Not a good day in my fish community.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I'm sorry to hear that Emmanual. :(

They're both really frail kinds of fish.
I know. What had amazed me though, is that all my pygmies had survived an ammonia and nitrite spike, and another oto once lived in an uncycled tank, with ammonia levels that reached 8 ppm, and he's still alive. I think I just had bad luck with this one Oto, he's been pale ever since I got him, active, but pale. He may have been old. The water parameters were identical on both of the tanks (the one I moved him from, and the one I moved him into). Ammonia: 0, Nitrites: 0, Nitrates: 20.... although, I haven't checked pH in a long time...................... i should probably do that. I'm more than likely going to get Otos from the same PetSmart that I got my first Oto from. He's been alive for well over a month.

That sucks. i had like 10 fish die on me last week
Wow, I've only had about 6 fish die on me since I started up again with fish in January. I should be glad I guess.

Awww. Sorry to hear that. Cories are easy to hurt IMO. They like to blend in with my gravel and when I put the castle back in, I sometimes have my brother check to make sure they're not under there. It's a lot harder with ghost shrimp. I had four in there at one point...hard to not stab them with the siphon!! :eek:


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
My only adult male guppy died of mysterious causes (meaning I have no clue when or why he died).... he was mostly eaten and all I saw was his tail on the filter :'( He leaves behind many children and 3 wives. He will be missed...

Dang, he was going to go to a nice home tomorrow, along with his children and wives.