Products just zoooomin out eh...


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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lol sorry but the next big thing doesnt come out much in the fishy world... but that tetratec stuff is kinda intresting...will they fade out the whispers?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
bah!screw tetra and their half assed attitude towards fishkeeping.if i remeber corectly i thougt there was a ban on tetra or did we forget about the 5 gallon salt water stunt on tv a few weeks back.besides tetratec filters are noisy and can melt if there is a power failure.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
LOL hey, read my response to that thread, said that I wasn't going to stop supporting tetra.

I think it was mostly CBS' fault...and I wish one or both of them would do something about their mistake, but hey...what can ya do?

Though I did just get another HOB and it wasn't a Whisper, so I'm not directly supporting them either.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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So u make these claims bashing the Tetra coporations because they broadcasted such a display. But was tetra the only willing corporation? how do u know they werent just the highest bidder? THat musta been a good advestising slot for any company tetra, marineland, etc.. But ok even if u blame them, whos the idiot who goes out without the slip of information and goes saltwater crazy. Lack of info on the buyers part is not a companys real fault. Have u seen marineland eclipse boxes, there was like a 20 gallon one with like 5 yellow tangs. So why dont u ban marineland now?Quick to come to conclusion with such short information.


Superstar Fish
I think it was the principle that in a time when the company knew there needed to be some sensitivity on the issue of marine fish, due to the movie "Nemo", that they should have made a least some effort, or how bout a plain and simple disclaimer at the bottom, reading "due to time constraints, and for the purpose of television, not all aspects of marine fishkeeping were covered, and we advise consumers to research the materials properly". Even if they were to put out a thing saying "ya, we screwed up..sorry". You know?

the "idiot" would be anyone who, unfortunately, trusts a fish company enought to believe what they are saying.

And whether or not they were the highest bidder really has no play in the material they put forth. If it were marineland, then I assume they would be the ones people are angry with.

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Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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but we live in a world of capitalism what do u expect? Hell u might even benfit from all those additional sales with more money for advancements in the fish industry. You cant blame tetra, cuz other companys are probly jealous of the incomes they can be makin for that show.

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Mucho gracias! :D

Now, I can see why people are getting mad and whatnot, but the only thing I could see wrong was the lack of seriousness about keeping a saltwater tank. I don't have one, but I do understand the high attention it needs and the special requirements.

She really needs to work on her presentation skills. Stuttering on air isn't cool, I hope people noticed that. That is a definate sure-fire way to know when a person is digging for answers they don't know.

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Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
She plopped the fish in that 5G. tank like she was Martha Stewert tossing up a salad.

A blue hypo tang needs at least 150G. of water (even the young ones) and many beleive they should not be kept in captivity at all. Saltwater fish require at least 5 gallons per inch of adult fish. Seahorses are mostly kept in species only tanks, I could go on, and on...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
sorry after actualy seeing the video i stand behind anything bad i said about tetra.most of their products leave a lot to be desiered anyways.jaws have you ever read the pamphlet that comes with any eclipse tank,it's far more informitave than the whole tetra website.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You can blame tetra - they saw a cheap shot and they took it. Apparently ideas like 'conscience' and 'responsibility' don't matter at Tetra.
For sure it's partially the buyer , and the sellers responsability to get it right, but a supposedly reputable company appearing on prime time TV looks like it's giving it's stamp of approval to that setup.
It sucks. Just because Tetra paid the most money doesn't excuse them , if anything it makes it worse. They had a chance to do it right and they screwed up.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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LOL yeh a company doing something right over makin profit, if that were to happen Phillip Morris would shut down all their factories and pay out all their money for alll the problems they cause, Kraft dinner (subsidary of Phillip Morris) would acknowledge that their cheese is 2 chemicals away from being plastic. ANyone seen Fight CLub? They show or tell u a formula for car compnays to make recalls, thats true too, my friends dad work for a car compnay and sch formauls exists where something like if A (number of possible accidents) x B (average cost of setlement) doesnt outweigh the total profit they dont a recall. If you people took like a good media course in high school, (not insulting anyone) you would seriously not be able to watch tv cuz u would know the truth in a sense. Yes the highest bidder does not justify what they did but i was making a point that any other fish supplie coporation could very well have been bidding for that spot and hell they had to make it look impreshive. If you knew totally nothing bout fish and thought that it was cool, ud be running out to get ur own 5 gallon minibow and a percula clown.

Jun 19, 2003
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Gees! Even I, who don't know much about saltwater, know that all of those fish can't be kept in one 5 gallon! That alone could make people set up a "nemo" tank of their own, the poor fish! Now i know why everyone is so angry! They did make an effort though, i respect that...but the result is people who start a tank with the wrong kind of fish in the wrong kind of tank! I personally have a HOB whisper filter for my 5 gallon, the only reason i don't want them to get rid of it is then I'd have to get a new one! Although it did suck in my fish somehow....