Prego Sword

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
i bought a sword today. it is pregnant. the fry will survive(at least like 2) BUT(there's always a big BUT) i have some glassfish in my tank that LOVE live food. what sould i do with the so that i can at least get some fry? i was thinking of putting a divider and leave the sword there till she gives birth?


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2003
Norwalk, CT
Visit site
There are several things they sell that enables you to do so. There are the soft netted breeders that you can hang on the side of the aquarium. You can put the mother in, wait for her to give birth, then remove her. The only downside about those is that algae can grow quite readily on the netting. So you'll have to take that algae off regularly so it doesn't literally choke the breeder up and it doesn't get any circulation. That can prove fatal to the fry.

There are also the hard plastic ones, but I think those are built differently. Like you put the mother in there, then she gives birth and the babies slip through bottom slots and into the aquarium. But in order for you to be able to do THAT, you'd have to remove the glassfish, and any other potential predators.

Then there is always your divider approach..